
Money and resources.

We've started using crypto between a few of us to trade and barter things. That way the money and the resources stay local. I bought some gunpowder from one of the guys and paid in crypto. The money keeps increasing in value, and I'll increase the value of the powder by making ammo that'll be sold within the community. Now that is economic development!

I wish more people thought like this, we'd all be much better off.

I've started to think like this, especially regarding loans. Lend to each other instead of going to a bank. Fewer fees, less paperwork, lower interest rates, money stays in the community. We've been conditioned to think that we should not have money transactions like these among friends, but if it increased the money among all of us thereby, there would also be less strife. I have one mortgage that I've paid to a friend for 25 years now. No problems at all, even when I couldn't pay for half a year. We need to transform the financial systems ourselves, on small scales. So happy to hear others making inroads on this.