Thanks for looking after me, primitive brain, but turn it down a notch, will ya?
Ah ha ha ha ha. I felt that. 😂
This is such a great practice. I don't know who originally said it, but some meditation teacher said something like, "You should meditate every day for 20 minutes," and when someone said, "What if you don't have time?" he said, "Well in that case, you should do it for an hour." It's so important to take this time to get your mind right, not "self indulgent." I don't know if Australia is the same, but in the States we culturally have that Protestant work ethic where if you are not constantly being productive in terms of work, then you feel guilty and lazy. It's a hard trap to overcome, but it is a trap. If you don't take care of yourself, you just burn yourself out - and you're not as productive during your work time, either! In myself some days I call it "spinning out," where I am doing and doing and doing but not getting anywhere.
Oh, and PS - did you see my reply in Lotus Chat?
Oh haha we probably keep missing each other on the chat, I havne't popped into today as I've been working on not spinning in circles!! All the meditation teachers I have studied under - big ones - said that meditation creates time, and it sure does. But sitting down to meditate when I'm spinning makes me feel worse - hence tricks like this one, that work really nicely. Then, if I choose, I can 'sit' to meditate, for an extra bit of self care there!
I'm much better at slowing down these days, and making time for it - it's ESSENTIAL. And saying NO - honestly, this culture pushes you to the limit! Work especially expects stupid things. Like Jamie - he's meant to go on a school camp for a week on the first day back of school. Fine, it'll be lovely, outdoor adventure and all of that. It's on the South Australian border, six hours drive from us. Also no issue.
But they want him to join in the Day 1 Professional Devt activities first THEN go. So 9 - 3.30 work, then drive for 6 hours with kids and arrive late at night? Are you FREAKING KIDDING ME. I'm begging him to tell them where to shove it - that's just ridiculous.
Taking time to breath and slow down is JUST as important as all the shit we feel we HAVE to do to live 'productive' lives.