March Garden Journal - Indoor Garden Going Strong...

in Natural Medicine5 years ago

Although it is Spring we are a long way from seeing any green shoots in the outside garden as it is still covered with a couple of feet of snow.

Middle Garden Still Covered in Snow

beautiful snowy scene of middle garden.JPG

Hoop House Garden and Greens Garden Under a Couple Feet of Snow

large snow covered trees behind greenhouse and snow covered garden.JPG

Looking Out From Porch With Icicles Onto Beautiful Scene Behind Hoop House

looking from porch through icicles onto snowy scene with hoophouse snow ladened spruce behind.JPG

Although the snow makes for some very beautiful scenes I am confined to gardening indoors. And I am ever grateful that we have a productive indoor garden supplying us with fresh food and grateful too to be able to be gardening when we are encouraged to stay home!

Looking Into Windows of Sun Room Where the Indoor Garden Is

looking from outside into the sunroom and indoor garden.JPG

I would much rather be indoors looking out at the snowy icy scene. One thing with the sun room all the snow that we have been getting (got 8 inches on the last day of March) and the cold nights it has been creating some beautiful icicles!

Overview of Half of the Indoor Garden From Living Room Icicles Decorate the Window

overview of indoor garden from livingroom with icicles in window.JPG

Closeup of Basil Plant With Icicles in the Window

close up of basil plant with icicles in the windows behind.JPG

Colorful Oxalis Plant and Strawberry Mint Plant with Icicles in the Window Behind

closeup of burgandy oxalis and mint plants with icicles in the window.JPG

Kale and Basil Under the Pink Light of LED Grow Light With Icicles Decorating the Windows

looking at kale and icicles in the window.JPG

I grow pots of lettuce, kale, rhubarb swiss chard, green onions and arugula for our salad pickings and basil and cilantro along with rosemay and lemon thyme to put in my pesto making.

Closeup of Lettuce and Kale Plants

close up of lettuce and kale.JPG

Lettuce Kale Basil and Cannabis in the Rear

indoor garden with layers of lettuce kale basil and cannabis.JPG

This is the view looking from the other side where we have pots of young cannabis plants,then the basil, kale and you can see the lemon grass that is growing in a pot with lemon verbena and lemon thyme. The image below shows the overall setup of the sun room and you will also see buckets of snow beside the grow table that I melt for watering the plants with - they love it!

Looking Over The Indoor Garden With Cannabis Plants, Basil, Kale and Lemon Grass Showing

overview of indoor garden from canabis plants on bench looking towards door.JPG

You may have noticed the yellow sticky cards hanging above the plants. We have had an infestation of whiteflies, fungus nats, plus a few aphids but the cards seems to be keeping them at bay and not damaging the crops.

The cannabis crop did very well growing under the ceramic halide lights in a more controlled environment. We just harvested this crop at the end of the month and it is hanging in the pantry drying.

Cannabis Plants Just Before Harvesting Wintery Scene Outdoors

closeup of canabis plants just before harvest with snowy winter scene outside seen through window.JPG

Closeup of Cannabis Plants Full of Bud

Canabis plants just before harvest.JPG

I do have some ornamentals too for the beauty of them. You saw the oxalis in an earlier picture, then I have different geraniums and I finally got a bloom on one of them.

Geranium Blossom by Rosemary Plant

close up of pink geranium bloom.JPG

I forced some tulips too, for some early spring blooms but I didn't give them a proper cold treatment and only got one blossom but it was beautiful!

Blossom of Tulip Tarda

close up of tulip tarda in bloom.JPG

I have a banana plant too, that I'm hoping will produce fruit one day but as for now it is just an ornament with it's big beautiful leaves!

Closeup of the Banana Plant Putting Out a New Leaf

closeup of banana plant.JPG

In the back rooms I have started some bedding plants of peppers and tomatoes and I also have some seedling started of lettuce and arugula to keep those salad greens happening.

Pepper Plants Started Under Lights

pepper seedlings under lights snowy scene in window behind.JPG

Tomatoes Arugula and Lettuce Seedlings Growing Under Lights

seedlings of arugla lettuce and tiny tim tomatoes under light.JPG

The tomato seedlings I have there are the Tiny Tim Plants I had started with the Pre-K with the intent of growing them at the school and each child would get a fruit baring tomato plant to take home at the end of the year but the school year was abruptly cut off and I doubt that we will be going back this year so I will have lots of little cherry tomato plants! I haven't started my other tomato plants yet for it looks like it might be a later Spring for us here. I will be starting them soon though and you can look for them in my April Garden Journal!

hereI'm looking forward to seeing what others are growing as they share in @simplymike 's Garden Journal challenge. Find the details

Thanks for stopping by!

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Looking at your garden , it gives me a warm feeling.
It's really nice to see all the plants harvesting well.
You definitely have magnificent green fingers 😁

That's an impressive indoor garden. I'm envious. Where I am, it's not safe to plant outdoors 'til after Mother's Day, so I haven't even started to mess with things yet. I should get to it.

I see you didn't notice the phrase under the new AbundanceTribe banner is missing a word. I added the word 'all' between 'for' and 'on' assuming that is what it's meant to say.😀

That garden is amazing. You sure have a lot of plants growing inside these days.
I suppose the snow will eventually melt, then you can venture outside again.

Wow! Awesome pics. I had not expected to still see that much snow, lol.
Your indoor garden is always impressive. So many things going on there.

What an awesome idea that was, about those Tiny Tims. Shame it won't go through....

They are all doing so well! It's cool you have a tulip up! I love your light set-up and maybe someday I can copy parts of it. :))

Indoor plants looking good and healthy, I see you have lemon grass as well this grows well outdoors where I live and the dogs love it for when their tummies are not happy.

Outdoors very pretty covered in snow, I am sure you are looking forward to Spring and seeing new growth outside as well.

Have a wonderful weekend.

That is just a beautiful sight on the eyes! Thanks for sharing.

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You've been visited by @minismallholding from Natural Medicine.

You indoor garden is looking so beautiful. It's like you've got the best of both worlds there. A winter wonderland outside and a warm oasis inside. It's so pretty looking in from the cold, too! I’ve featured your post in The Lotus Garden newsletter, which will be published on Thursday, and you were selected as this week's 5% beneficiary.

About II Discord II CommunityThe Lotus Garden is a newsletter supporting content relevant to Homesteaders & supported by Natural Medicine. Earn LOTUS & HIVE for your #homesteading content!