My Garden Journal - January Indoor Garden

in Natural Medicine5 years ago

The first month of the year is over and I am again very happy that I have my indoor garden for there were some extremely cold weather in January but I could remain tending my garden in the warmth of our attached sun room.

Cold and Snowy Outside But Bright and Warm Inside Our Sun Room

snowy scene outside bright warm scene inside sun room.JPG

This years investment of new ceramic halide grow lights has sure made a difference in production and we are very happy with them. They have been good for keeping the S.A.D. syndrome away too!

Enough said lets have a look at what's growing in my indoor garden...

Here is our guide JJ welcoming us into his favorite spot, what we call our outdoors indoors, our sun room.

JJ Sitting on Our Water Barrel

JJ sitting on water barrel.JPG

We have two of these water barrels in our porch we keep filled with well water, warming up, to water our plants in the indoor garden.

We also collect buckets of snow more ideal for watering with plus our animals prefer it for drinking as to the well water.

JJ Having a Drink of Snow Water with Buckets of Melting Snow Behind Him

JJ looking up from water bucket with buckets of snow behind him.JPG

If there is any empty tubs or spots for JJ to fit under the lights you bet he'll find them and settle himself to grow under the lights!

JJ Found the Empty Tub Among the Plants in the Sun Room

JJ sitting in empty tub among plants in indoor garden.JPG

JJ Grooming Himself Under the Grow Lights

JJ in empty tub among plants in indoor garden grooming himself.JPG

JJ Among the Swiss Chard and Lettuce Plants

closeup JJ in empty tub among plants in indoor garden.JPG

Someone else who likes the sun room with it's numerous windows is Bruno, our German Shepard dog. He hangs out under the grow lights or by the door or his favorite - looking out the window...

Bruno Looking Out the Window in the Sun Room

Bruno looking out window by door in sun room.JPG

Here is an overview of the indoor garden where the lettuce, kale, rhubarb chard, green onions, basil plus other herbs continue to flourish -

Overview of Indoor Garden

overview of indoor garden view from door.JPG

I also got some arugula, cilantro and lettuce seedlings going with the lettuce already planted up to replace the old lettuce plants which some are coming to an end.

Seedlings of Cilantro and Arugula Among the Lettuce Plants

cilatro and Arugula seedlings among the lettuce plants by basil.JPG

Freshly Planted Lettuce Seedlings

new lettuce seedlings potted up.JPG

We've been having an abundance of basil so lots of pesto - Yum!

Crop of Basil Providing Lots of Leaves for Pesto Making

crop of basil and new seedlings in background.JPG

We grew out our mother cannabis plant and it provided some lovely bud. Here it is just before harvest...

Cannabis Plant Just Before Harvest

canabic plant just about ready to harvest close up.JPG

Close Up of Cannabis Bud Almost Ready to Harvest

close up of buds on canabis mother plant close to harvest.JPG

Once we harvested that plant we moved the grown cuttings, that we had just potted up into their final pots, into that space where we will veg them a bit longer then put them on 12 hours light and 12 hours dark to get them to start flowering.

Cannabis Plants in Final Part of Vegging Stage

canabis plants from cutting fresh potted up.JPG

There you have it folks - hope you enjoyed my indoor garden which provides us with fresh greens and herbs in our long cold winters here in Saskatchewan, Canada.

This is my entry to @simplymike 's Steemit Community Garden Journal Challenge. Go here to find out more and join in sharing your garden!

All pictures were taken with my Canon PowerShot SX 60 HS

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Proud member of @naturalmedicine, @homesteaderscoop, @tribesteemup, @ecotrain, @freedomtribe, @earthtribe & @steemitbloggers

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This post is a great testament to the CMH! Beautiful garden, defiantly the in my top 5 of best gardens I have seen on Steem!.

I have been looking at lights, and have decided to go with this one, for a 32 inch x 32 inch, 5 ft tall tent. Let me know what you think.

 5 years ago  

WE were very happy with our ceramic metal halide grow lights - it made such a difference!
Last year I had got a full spectrum 1000 watt LED but it was not the white LED and I was not happy with it at all even though it did the job for growing decent veggies, you couldn't tell what was happening with the leaves and such because of the weird pink glow it put on every thing! (did make for some beautiful picture with the pink glow on the snow outside though!)
With the white light you should be fine. and it will definitely cover that area. I haven't had any experience growing cannabis under LED before the CMH we had a high pressure sodium light which produced fine but not as good as the CMH!

Such a wonderful place and everything looks so healthy and happy. Those ceramic halide grow lights really do seem to have made a difference from what I remember of old posts without them.

your Garden looks lovely !!

Thats one good looking Kitty cat as well

Love the Weed plants

Wow I love this! :>)

Your pets sure know what's the place to be.

I must say all this kind of feels like you're living on another planet, in some kind of dome. Ever seen the 1970s scifi Silent Running? If not, you might wanna look it up. These pics reminded me of that movie:

In a future where all flora is extinct on Earth, an astronaut is given orders to destroy the last of Earth's botany, kept in a greenhouse aboard a spacecraft.

Source and more info

A big warm hug from Portugal

 5 years ago  

It probably is quite different to how you would grow in Portugal! This is only for the cold wintertime then in spring I move my gardening to outside for short but intense growing!
No I hadn't seen that movie but it sounds interesting!
Thanks for the warm hugs - I can never get enough of those!

Thanks for stopping by @porters Interesting tactics. I don't think this exists in Portugal. On the highest point ( about 2000 metres ) of the Portuguese mainland, about 50 km from my place, it's hardly ever colder than -5 Celsius ( I guess ) and there's no people living there, just some tourist traps.

I just sent you another warm hug on your Winter post


You have a very beautiful garden.