allotment heaven in early may

in Natural Medicine4 years ago (edited)

allotment heaven

allotment 1.jpg

After a long cold dry spring,The year has turned, frosts and hail have retreated, has rained,
We have an allotment, overlooking the sea , essex uk.
I am thankful to see buds, flowers and new life. Over the lockdown
i have been enjoying our allotment.Each visit brings wonder, and most days something to eat. I practice chi gong there, play music and sing,It is a place to dream, meditate , get rained on and get earth in your fingernails.
The whole process of gardening is medicine, We aim to live in harmony with the earth and also with the gardening community there.

I have posted a picture of my wild area , which is kept for overwintering wildlife,

Dandelions have been featuring in our diet, both for the vibrational effect of clearing anger , cleansing the liver and tasting great.
Salads of chicory , kale and rocket are a boon at this time of year.
Wonder of wonders are the asparagus stalks that never seem to make it home to the kitchen, getting eaten on site.

Above is a picture of our herb patch, we are growing a physic garden,
as i really love using herbs, they feel like friends to me,
I am particularly fond of growing lots of thyme, as well as the esoteric ones , like clary sage, and saint johns wort . Flowers and herbs are also are dotted around the no dig outdoor beds,
Herbs are often used by our family, my mother recently wrapped her
sore foot in cabbage leaves, under protest, to find the pain and swelling magically disappeared.

We also grow fruit, and always leave an amount for the wildlife,
some of our produce ends up at the local food bank.

the poly tunnel,this was found in a skip.

the tunnel is being planted with aubergines, basil , tomatoes, salads
it needs watering twice a week, we have devised an underground
pipe system for this, but for now we need to treat our new plants with great care,
Our allotment is beautiful,We love spending time there.
Thankyou universe. Love Peace Harmony.


 4 years ago  

I love this so much. How much fertility and abundance can be in a square metre!! I'm so with you on the herbs as well - I love your day to day parsleys and thymes, but the mugworts and lavenders and others are just the bomb as well. I've been making a LOT oxymels out of all kinds of herbs of late, and am enjoying them in water dependent on what's going on. Currently, it's hawthorn, ginger rosehip and cinnamon! Add a squeeze of lemon and it's a perfect winters day booster. How magical it is that we have found our ways to the green kingdom.

 4 years ago  

I also adore you've used the tag natural-MAD-icine - :P

@queenoftheworld your allotment is beautiful. I would love to spend some time there with you soon. It's good that you've got your own mugwort supply growing as now you can make your own moxa 🤗

I love how much care and attention you take with the allotment, not just to the plants but all parts of the ecosystem there.

Absolutely beautiful. Perhaps if the weather is good enough can we do kazoo practice there next week? hehe

lots of love to you Ruth and big hugs 💚🙏🙌🤗

allotment here we come xxx