Excellent observation!
Thank you for reading.
My opinion is that the events themselves don't have a specific energy, each, per se. It's rather the impact we allow them to have upon us, our thoughts, and what we manifest in actions, as well.
If this article helped you, I am very glad.
I will come back and write more about it. It has taken me many years to refuse to read anything on Energy and just feel how it functions for me, in my life, and notice where it leads me, how it changes me. I have started working with energy for healing a few years back. Yes, you can manipulate it and lead it towards +ositive aspects of your life and create what you desire, and envision. I am not a magician...I am human, so there are loops, ups, and downs, progression, regression...you get it.
Thank you so much for reading, commenting, engaging, and for the follow. I will follow you back now and I hope to see your around again!