Hi good afternoon all, today was farming, I went on a large scale and I put all my efforts to make sure everything was done on time for adequate harvest.
This is my farm where I plant mix crops and at the same time build a relaxation centre for refreshments and others.
Farming seems good to me as I sometimes spent more of my time farming and checking the crops growth and development.
Therefore, this morning around 9 o'clock in the morning I was at it again, weeding and making sure all the crops are well kept and weed.
As you can see some of those photos are showing how I tried to weeds and check their growth, the best part is that some Farmers are coming to the farm already to buy vegetables, okra and maize for consumption and resale.
My time today in the farm was so good and I'm grateful for the weather today.
As these crops look amazing and beautiful I decided to take these pictures of it to show how healthy and amazing some crops look.
Thanks for staying tune 💑
Tienes buenas cosechas, saludos
I love maize. Keep some for me when you finally harvest
Wow🤗 sure I'll
a handsome farmer
Wassup homie, you'making pap with the maze?
Thanks I appreciate your time.
Pap can be made from maize too bro 👍