Yep, it's May already!! Here in Australia we're still experiencing some warm weather, though the mornings are cold and Winter is definitely knocking, but by the look of the #gardenjournal tag used by HIVE folk all month, gardens are going crazy in the northern hemisphere!!!
Now it's the beginning of May, you can enter into the official challenge to win HIVE, though of course your posts are valid always, and using the #gardenjournal tag helps us find each other! And I'm always happy to submit the best of the best, when I find them, to OCD for curation.
The Rules
If you're new to #gardenjournal challenge, please follow the rules:
- Reblog this post
- Original content
- NO more than 10 clear photos
- Write about what's going on in your gardens - rooftops, farms, greenhouses or windowsills, succulents, bonsais, vegetables or herbs!
- Post in #naturalmedicine community, use the tag #gardenjournal as second tag!
- Post a link to your post underneath this post
- If you've written a post in last 3 - 4 days I will count it - simply post link under this one.
- Challenge goes for a week, but keep an eye on the title of this post as I will announce when it's officially closed (sometimes it'll go for a few days longer).
You Can Win
- Upvotes and reblogs from @naturalmedicine, @uplotus and @lotusshares
- OCD nomination from FOUR curators in the community!
- 20 HIVE from me!
Have fun and happy gardening!
With Love,
Woohoo!! OH yes I was just waiting for this!! Right now I'm gonna start writing and taking pictures of my babiessss!!!
We do love gardening, and seeing other peoples creativity etc encourages us to get more creative with our own grounds, we have just under 2 acres full of numerous plants and shrubs.

This is a couple of weeks ago and since then the lawns have been mowed and Dandelions have appeared everywhere.
Wow whereabouts do you live @planetauto ? 2 acres must be rural UK somewhere?
Yes, we live between Kendal and Morecambe, on the Lancashire and Cumbrian border 1/2 m from the Irish sea too.

wow, I'm so jealous! What a beautiful place to live!
Thank you @phoenixwren, yes we love our little haven as does Cabie our cat, serves as a perfect backdrop for reviewing cars too
Ah look at those daffs... so beautiful. I used to live in Somerset and Dorset - so I can just feel the vibe!
Yes they're beautiful - we have around 5 variants, two tone, doubles etc Thank you
Wow! 2 acres that's huge! You can plant any plant. Beautiful place you are bless.
Let us just sit down, and enjoy some !PIZZA.
$PIZZA@planetauto! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @xplosive.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at
Thanks @xplosive!
Thanks @xplosive!
Wow, what a beautiful property!
Yeah, the dandelions ^^ We have more dandelions than grass :D
Hey, it's finally May and I'm starting seeds! Hooray! LOL
Hello @riverflows! Here is my entry:
Hola amigos, aqui mi entrada:
Thank you for hosting this challenge! I'm excited to share our tamarillo harvest with you!
Drat! Didn't check my feed first, just put up a garden post. Sigh.... Maybe I will remember for the next post I make....
That's okay, you can still submit it if you like. Knowing you, you'll have another one in next week anyway!
But there's the remembering to submit it part....sigh.....
Lol, all you gotta do is post the link - you could do it now!
Oh! Ok, I can do that!
I thought because I hadn't included all the other stuff required, I'd missed the boat....
it's me! I'm back! to leave my post link. I hope everyone likes it!
Here is my entry for early May :)
Oh yay! I almost missed this, but saw @holisticmom put up a post and it reminded me to snap a few pics outside. Now I need to find the time this weekend to peruse everyone else's gardens! Thanks again for keeping up the fun my friend!
Awesome @plantstoplanks, I am glad my post reminded you... I'm now off to read yours 🤗💚
Tiny Sprouts, Big Winds, Repurposing and Pooping Kitties: EARLY MAY GARDEN JOURNAL CHALLENGE!Here's my entry @riverflows
Hey everyone, this is my entry for Hive garden journal challenge
happy happy day, I'm passing by to leave my participation in the contest.
Yeih, done! Here's my contribution
I've scrolled through the comments and already saw so many interesting posts! I've got a lot to read the next days, looking forward to it :) I'm sure I can learn a lot :)
Here is my entry:
Thank you for this! Its fun learning plants I'm alien to and new techniques in gardening. Here is my entry for this contest.
I hope you don't mind that I didn't use the #natural medicine front end to post my garden post. I've been using the "gardenjournal" tag for all of my garden posts recently. Here's my latest garden post, which I just wrote.
How about showing my fruit garden:
I think, this is the most important time, when we need to engage with nature.
my entry for the challange 🙂
Yeah! This time around I'm going to do it! We're also not as beautiful as those on the summer run but still worth sharing. And I have two little enthusiastic gardeners that will help. We had to strip the pomegranates early as the baboons raided. Such a challenge fighting elements AND wild animals. Curious to see your garden in similar conditions @riverflows
Oops. Almost forgot to follow all the rules
Me too, things dying off but still things worth talking about!
Sounds fun @riverflows. Winter has definitely started taking hold. Garden is doing nicely after all this rain. I'll need to get posting.
It's great fun, especially seeing what others are doing as well! Would love to see your garden! Raining down here in Vic but had a lovely weekend!
Here is a sneak peek of our vegie patch from a while ago. The growth and produce in there now is a bit more bountiful.
Gosh it's so neat!
It is not quite as neat at the moment, but the produce looks good.
Awesome! I would love to show my garden, it's beautiful at the moment :)
So's mine, it's all autumnal! If I have time to take some photos before the leaves all disappear - darn, I should have done that on the weekend!
So weird that the seasons are completely opposite at our ends of the world ^^
I'm really happy that my phone started working again! At least it does for a while, and I managed to take a few photos yesterday!
Hola me encantaria participar podria hacerlo? que debo hacer saludos
mmmmm.... you making reblogging one of the rules ☹️
@livinguktaiwan Why is that an issue? I'm not hard and fast with it, but it helps get word out. I'm sorry you don't approve. It's not the worse thing surely 😂 🙄
I'm just a bit particular with what comes up on my own feed, but yes there are worse things 🙃
I'll change it to 'optional but appreciated' .. 😂 .. click HIDE REBLOG lol.
The rains are coming ... I hope my lot can recover. I will participate in this month. Greetings.
This is a much more meaningful and useful challenge than the "I am alive challenge". Hopefully it will be more popular. I reblogged the post.
It's been a while since I made a #gardenjournal post, I think it's finally time to take some photos and join in. :)
What a wonderful challenge! Our garden is full of plants that attract bees and pollinating insects. 🐝🦋 I must take some pictures of them this month.
Still haven't planted anything yet, except for garlic to keep the mice and the rats out of my raised beds in the greenhouse.
It's way too cold for the time of the year here in Belgium. Only thing I already planted outside are the cabbages at the moment.
With a little luck I can start planting in 10 days, because May 15th is considered to be our last frost date.
Can't wait.
I've built a couple more raised beds for the greenhouse, so I don't have to work with bags anymore. My back doesn't allow me to fill them myself, so I'm waiting for my gf to have a little free time and fill them with soil.
10 days..... I'd better make her hurry up 🤣
Btw, nice to see so many entries again 👍
I know it's really love, and I'm loving holding the fort for you !!!
Oh we've had a bit of a mice plague here! And so many rabbits and rats!! Oh, raised beds with do you the world of good @simplymike - Haha, give her all the love and maybe bribe her with kisses and cake?
Don't even need a bribe... if only it would stop raining, we will get it done today.
Just checked the weather forecast.... no more frost expected for the week... I'm gonna start collecting myself some seedlings. I think I have been patient enough 😂
I haven't planted anything for so long now as the brush turkeys are so attracted to newly planted out areas and scrape up literally EVERYTHING. Have spent most of my spare time just preparing for their next onslaught. But we do have a few established plants that they ignore now, that I could share. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎
Gosh, haven't had to contend with them before!!! Rabbits, rats and chooks are my nemesis!
Hi @riverflows Excellent, I'm going to run to shit my cell phone battery to take some beautiful photos in a small patio where I have varieties of plants. I imagine that participation is valid for any country.
Certainly is!!! But what does 'run to shit my cell phone battery' mean? :P
Me gustaría participar , acabo de crear un post para esta actividad que espero les guste acá les comparto mi contenido , saludos a todos
I HOP I'm not putting this post in late.
If it doesn't make the deadline I totally understand. 😁
Ahahaha - lucky you hopped to it before I closed it...
Thanks, for the info.
It made me smile when I read your reply, most folk would think that I just misspleieled the word.
I got too many pics, but I really love the initiative! Cheers ^^ to you all
HAHAH - I"m not that horrible that I would exclude yours just because you threw in a couple more amazing pics. Really, I'm just being a big cow by being annoyed at people who give me 5 photos of one plant from different angles in low light.
Alrighty then, I'll give it a crack at it just for engagement's sake 😁
What's wrong with blurry pictures of the same plant from 5 different angles? hahahah
Hi I’m not sure if this last blogs in time but here’s the link just in case!

Guava Jam straight from my own garden
Sadly it was a little too late but I'm off to read it now!
ufff i'm sorry thanks.
I didn't know about having to reblog this post as a part of this challenge. I'll do that.before I get started .
Glad to have found this posts, now I hope to follow the rules.@riverflows thank you for making the rules clear.
Oh no problem 💚💚💚
I see that it is still not closed so I am keeping hoping to be in.
I'd like to be a part of this wonderful challenge and here is the link to my post Its okay if it is closed, I would be posting more under #gardenjournal
heres a link to hive garden journal challenge, early may
Thankyou lovely, loved it! A bit late for challenge, but never mind!
Too late to enter the challenge, but thought to give us an update....better than getting bored in isolation
Oh I saw that one! Thanks!
This is my link for the entry for the month of May
Saludos! 🤗✨ Es un placer compartir este contenido y leer el de otros Hivers amantes de la naturaleza. Aquí mi participación 🌱
Greetings! 🤗✨ It's a pleasure to share this content and read other nature-loving Hivers' content. Here my participation 🌱
Just a wee bit late