Hey! Love it!! You are so lucky having a TCM doc for a sister - clearly both of you are into the healing arts! Looks like you are pretty prepped on your meds there! And JJ guarding the vinegar - well done JJ!! It's valuable stuff!!!
Cool to see some American/Canadian? brands here I've heard about the place but don't get here! We have our own versions down under I suppose!! I love nettles too - who could not love this queen of tonics! I've been really into my herbal infusions of late, Susun Weed style, but that's coz it's end of Spring and there's a wealth of them out there. Gotta find a good supply of nettle to dry though, am yet to find any locally!
My sister use to live in the same community as me and it was wonderful having her so close sharing remedies. She has since moved to the coast so I don't see her that often but talk to her lots - still sharing remedies!
Wish you lived in Canada I'd send you all the dried nettle you could possibly want! We have a ton of it in our area!