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RE: Evolution Doesn't Care: Plus a Spot of 'Wild' Swimming

in Natural Medicine3 months ago

the Chinese do a roaring trade in fake fossils

Ha yeah they do!!! But also some pretty important fossils have come out of China that have provided gaps.

I guess coz I'm married to a physicist I understand a lot about what science IS - as he says, it's usually 'the very best theory we have' but that it's always 'evolving' excuse the pun. It's easy to get scullduggery mixed up with proper science and once we have heard that it's very hard to have trust in it again.

I don't know, I see the absolute passion that drives a lot of science and really admire what people have done and how hard they work. It's totally fascinating how old theories are replaced all the time! As I said, real, proper science isn't designed to mislead us at all.

I absolutely love the story of evolution as it's constantly reassessing itself!


I'd go as far as to say that science is constantly reassessing itself and much of our current science will prove to be bunk. I mean, after all, we used to believe we landed on the moon:)

 3 months ago  
