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RE: Why Real Men Eat Their Vegetables πŸŒπŸ†πŸ₯’πŸ₯•

in Natural Medicine β€’ 4 years ago

You're right - you absolutely did make me laugh!!!! That not so subtle daikon was placed BRILLIANTLY. Lmao. That's amazing about your Dad. What a legend. And I can't believe they went the tempeh over the beef one - well, I can, because YUM!

I never understand the mega fuss about carbs either. Sure, don't eat tons of bread and potatoes, but as long as you're eating tons of veggies and other things in moderation you should be good, right? Loved this post - you are such an advocate but not only that you know your stuff. If I was a meat eating manly man reading this, I'd be kinda interested in maybe eating less meat and upping my veggies, and feeling safe that not only will I feel good and my protein needs will be met, but my eggplant will be firm :P

I've never heard about chao tofu - learn something new every day!!!!! I'll have to look out for it here. Love the comment about man boobs too! I joke with Jamie that beer is giving him man boobs - but he's lithe and decidedly UNFLABBY - if he wasn't I'd divorce him. But his carrot is working very well thanks very much, so I'll keep him for a while longer :P

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Β 4 years agoΒ Β 

Haha, I figured a few people would get a giggle out of this one. A lot of angles I could have taken, but this topic was just begging for a little bit of cucumber humor. Though all joking aside, it is really quite concerning those numbers are so high. I hope many men think a little more about diet before the pills if they're having that issue.

Really it comes down to eating a variety of things from the ground and not overindulging on any one thing, right? I think we tend to make it too hard and over-science things when it's really not that complicated.

And cheers to firm carrots! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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Oh ladies you are too funny!

Β 4 years agoΒ Β 

A good laugh does wonders for the soul, doesn't it? πŸ˜‰