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RE: Vegan Cuisine

in Natural Medicine5 years ago

'Don't believe anything this guy says about crypto, he's vegan' .

Lol. You're right - people are weird. The vegan hate is just screwed up. People like people in neat boxes.

Meat is habit.

It's sooo easy to change the habit if you have the will and intelligence. Once you go without, you're just lighter - of heart, mind, spirit, body. It just FEELS better.

I don't like the way we separate the two - meat and animals, as if they're too separate things. Once you realise you actually quite like animals and that's at odds with your eating habits, it's a bit easier to start the journey to NOT eating meat.

I understand feeling alienated. it's coz you have an intelligent, complex mind and anyone arguing simplicities will be at odds with you.

I loved your photos that PROVE how easy it is to be vegetarian or vegan. I'd love your recipe for dal makhani! It was so easy to be vegan in India and all the food was amazing to say the least.

Loved this post - very bloody long, but hey, I'm stuck in a hotel quarantine for two weeks so at least it gave me something to read haha.

you are a gem xx

@plantstoplanks might like this post.


You beautiful comment here sparked my heart with joy @riverflows. I agree about the meat and animals. It reminded me of all the kangaroos and other animals that died in the fire last year, because the pictures you posted actually gave me tears.

You are right, it's long. Thanks fam ! The work you guys do here is greatly appreciated. #naturalmedicine changed my life! To me all the posts on the group are heaven sent and often exact and contemporary to what is happening to me.

 5 years ago  

Oh yes, people were so moved by the death of animals with those fires, yet they were also sitting down to steak dinners I'm sure! It was lovely to see so many people donate to save the wildlife though!

did you catch the post by @perceptualflaws this week? I assure you that you will LOVE it. x