Kidney natural remedies

in Natural Medicine5 years ago


Natural remedies for kidney infection can be used safely to treat this condition, which can reach the chronic stage, causing kidney failure. It can be caused by bacteria; however, an infection in the urinary tract, if it spreads, can also result in a kidney infection.

It affects more women than men, and when acute, the symptoms are sudden and severe. If, however, it is chronic, it can develop over a long period, progressively worsening, until it reaches the most severe level.

The effect on the body that most characterizes a kidney infection is the persistent urge to urinate, but without being able to do so. And when so, the burning sensation is intense. Other symptoms: chills, nausea, vomiting, generalized feeling of physical discomfort, or apathy, abdominal pain (beside), or low back pain. In severe cases, there is blood or pus in the urine.

Anyone who is undergoing allopathic treatment can talk to the doctor about the possibility of complementing the treatment with natural remedies. To treat at home, drink fast, pure cranberry juice without sugar every day. However, do not exceed 1 month of consumption. Alternatively, you can drink half a teaspoon of baking soda diluted in 100 milligrams of mineral water. Aloe Vera or lemon juices, made with warm water, are also effective. During the day, drink at least 2 cups of blueberry tea, or green tea. These are beneficial natural remedies.

To reduce the infection, place warm towels in the area where the kidneys are. Repeat this procedure every night. If you prefer, you can buy special pillows that can be filled with hot water. To relieve pain, use aromatherapy. In a special burner, add either lavender, chamomile, or geranium oil. Position yourself so that you can breathe in the aroma of the oil. For results, take a deep breath.

In the meantime, keep your distance from coffee, sodas, and alcoholic beverages, and avoid processed or spicy foods. Adequate personal hygiene is essential, as well as drinking plenty of water. And remember: holding urine only makes the condition worse.

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