Descubrir el beneficio del eucalipto, me permitió aliviar y acelerar la recuperación del covid-19 en mis hijos, por suerte trabajo al lado de un bosque natural de pinos y arboles de eucalipto, los cuales fueron sembrados al momento de construir el centro operativo petrolero en ,la comunidad del Tejero, en el estado Monagas, Venezuela.
Bosque Natural de árbol de Eucalipto
Discovering the benefit of eucalyptus, relieves me and accelerates the recovery of covid-19 in my children, luckily I work next to a natural forest of pine and eucalyptus trees, which were planted at the time of building the oil operational center in, the community of Tejero, in the state of Monagas, Venezuela.
Después de haber estado aislada durante 16 días en mi casa, junto a mis hijos, volví a mi sitio de trabajo, caminar entre estos arboles es una experiencia muy gratificante, ya que me permitió respirar aire puro, por precaución mientras tomabas las ramas del árbol de eucalipto junto a mi compañero de trabajo, permanecí con el tapa boca y el protector facial, ya que mi compañero sentía temor de que aún pudiera tener el virus activo en mi cuerpo y temía ser contagiado. Este es el motivo por el cual me verán con mi protección facial.
After being isolated for 16 days in my house, together with my children, I returned to my workplace, walking among these trees is a very rewarding experience, since it allowed me to breathe fresh air, as a precaution while you took the branches of the tree of eucalyptus with my co-worker, I remained with the mouth cover and the face shield, since my colleague was afraid that I could still have the virus active in my body and was afraid of being infected. This is why you will see me wearing my face shield.
El eucalipto es usado para realizar vaporizaciones con sus hojas, estas hojas al estar en contacto con el agua caliente sueltan un vapor aromatizado, el cual limpia y ayuda a descongestionar las vías respiratorias. Si deseas tomar un te de eucalipto con una hoja seca es suficiente, ya que suele ser un poco caliente.
Eucalyptus is used to make vaporizations with its leaves, these leaves when in contact with hot water release a scented vapor, which cleanses and helps decongest the respiratory tract. If you want to take a eucalyptus tea with a dry leaf, it is enough, since it is usually a bit hot.
After so many days of confinement, it is necessary to breathe the fresh air again, walking among the trees allows you to perform breathing exercises, and little by little you return to have that feeling that you are improving your state of health.
During these last days I decided to keep my mind free of worries, since mental health is very important to heal quickly, little by little I will incorporate the exercises and I hope not to repeat this bad experience of being infected with covid-19.
Without a doubt, advances in science help to combat some diseases, but we must never forget those remedies that our ancestors used, natural herbs, which today have allowed us to use them again, due to the high cost of medicines, in my case, eucalyptus was very important for a quick recovery. In addition to using the seeds of "dividive" for rinsing the throat, this seed being an antiseptic which helps to kill any infection in the tonsils and reducing inflammation.
Estoy muy agradecida a Dios, por darme la oportunidad de tener estos arboles de eucalipto cerca de mi trabajo y poder usar sus hojas para realizar los te, además de las vaporizaciones cada día, durante los primeros días de congestión.
Les recomiendo a todos mis lectores, usar esta hoja del árbol de eucalipto en caso de tener problemas respiratorios.
I am very grateful to God, for giving me the opportunity to have these eucalyptus trees near my work and to be able to use their leaves to make the tea, in addition to the vaporizations every day, during the first days of congestion.
I recommend to all my readers to use this eucalyptus tree leaf in case of respiratory problems.
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