Yes, hidden keys! Those words really resonate with me and make me think of a story.
I had a wart on my finger for the last ten years and two years ago I learned about a medicinal plant with a yellow flower which comes in Spring. Inside the stalk of this plant is a yellow liquid I was told to apply to the wart and it would go away. So I did this two years ago but it didn't work at all. This year, determined to have another go at it, I did it again. But this time it was different because my daughter Luna saw what I was doing and asked if she could be the one who applied the yellow liquid to my finger. And you know what? It worked! The wart is 100% gone now. But it only worked when it was applied by the hand of an innocent.
So yes, we may know the technicals of how something works but like you say there is often a hidden key to activate the process. And our inner instinct in the best guide to finding it.