Seeking natural cure for Esteban's swollen adenoids


I had intended to write some kind of uplifting Christmas post today but Esteban is in pain and it is hard as a parent to focus on anything except resolving the problem at hand. This particular problem is an old one but has escalated in recent weeks to the point where I realise I must take action immediately.

We cannot say with certainty if he has always been this way, but his nose seems blocked even after giving it a good blow and he speaks in a very nasal way. At night he sleeps with his mouth open (unless he is on his back) and is quite often disturbed by his own breathing, which is more like snoring if I'm going to be honest. He is prone to ear infections and in recent weeks it has become evident that one of his ears has limited hearing. In the last few days he has been experiencing pain in this same ear, which we have reluctantly been giving him paracetamol suppositories for. Last night he was up vomiting at 2am and while I am unsure if this is related, the overall situation is clearly not getting any better.

Traditional doctors were able to confirm recently that his adenoids are swollen.


Adenoids are a patch of tissue that is high up in the throat, just behind the nose. They, along with the tonsils, are part of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system clears away infection and keeps body fluids in balance. The adenoids and tonsils work by trapping germs coming in through the mouth and nose.

One week ago our (ex)doctor recommended the removal of his tonsils & adenoids while inserting some kind of mini tubes into his ears which permit the excess liquid to drain. Needless to say, such dramatic procedures do not in any way address the cause of the problem and come with a plethora of potential consequences & ultimately a higher likelihood of further infections. It would also mean he must prevent water from getting in his ears for the next three years by wearing ear plugs during bath or swimming time. Call me crazy but this just seems like a recipe for disaster and yes, we will not be needing that doctor again.

Doing some research yesterday (being sure to ignore the first 100 suggestions from google which all point to surgery as the only option) I see this condition is not entirely uncommon in children and very often it simply goes away when the get older. The suggested cause appears to be a food allergy. Or the lack of something in his diet. Both of which seem possible to me.

Reading further I see the tube responsible for the removal of liquid from the middle ear is called the Eustachian tube.


It seems clear to me now where the infection is and why liquid is getting stuck in there.


Turns out Eustachian Tube Dysfunction is not an uncommon thing at all and it is of course immediately resolvable with a simple solution.

This guy has a good vibe about him and I like the technique he suggests.

I can see a ton of happy customers under this video, some of whom are parents with children experiencing exactly the same issues as Esteban.

Last night Esteban & I did the massage together and the road to recovery is before us.

But with that said, I do still seek the wisdom of this community in confirming (or not!) I am on the right track here. Still have no idea what food he might be allergic to or what food I need to add to his diet to resolve this once and for all.

So, if you happen to know of anyone on this platform who may be able to offer advice, please tag them here and let's see what we can come up with together. Many thanks in advance for your time!

Esteban & I are sending our Love & Light 🌱



Good decision to NOT remove the adenoids. Praying that your son Esteban recovers fully and will get a good night's rest!

Wise Words.

Thank you my friend for your words & prayers.

He seems much happier this morning after a better sleep last night :)

Really amazing to see all these lovely messages here today. What an awesome community this is!

That massage you're doing seems like it couldn't hurt. Hopefully it helps!
You are probably already aware of things like colloidal silver and oregano oil to bring take down the infection?
The FODMAPS elimination diets are useful for finding food allergies. You restrict basically everything that can cause issues in humans (there's a big list), and then slowly add things back in, and identify the ones that cause problems. It takes a while and isn't super fun, but it's natural, it's safe, and it can work.
I don't know if vomiting is a normal part of ear infection. Not sure what to make of that. Maybe a reaction to the suppository meds? Could be unrelated, kids throw up sometimes. Hmm.
Wish I could help more. Sounds like you're doing your best to treat the symptoms, while also looking to find and treat the cause. You're a good daddy!

Oregano oil we don't have in fact, but certainly we have been using colloidal silver. I considered something along the lines of the food elimination process you described but it seems to me like it will still be difficult to identify when we have hit the target. He can go for weeks without feeling pain. So, unless there is an immediate difference to the way he speaks and breathes, how will we know we have identified the cause of the allergy without waiting months?

Anyway, let's see for that one. Looking forward to trying out some of the ideas presented here. And will put oregano oil on the shopping list! Thanks for that one.

Oh! Dear! That’s quite traumatic for both of you.
No surgery please! Don’t take out the tonsils!

I had similar problem as a child. In fact I still have that nasal sound in my voice as all Chinese acupuncturists could spot that I had some breathing problem as a kid. I had to breath with my mouth to stay alive sometimes. I was often at the doctor every week! They thought I had asthma but they were not sure. So I got lots of jabs full of vitamins and minerals. I could hardly walk after the jabs. I had to be carried home each time! I was physically very weak.

As I grew up, I got I’ll from flu very often and some doctors wanted to chop off my tonsils. Luckily I refused the doctor and started skipping everyday. Slowly I built up my physical stamina and became much healthier.

The breathing problem could be faintly spotted as I had to hold my breathe if I had to be in a rush. I got choke with drinking water at times. But I don’t have to breath with my mouth any more.

I suggest a change in diet! So,the body could heal itself quickly. I would use crystal by wearing crystal or stone pendant. I depend of these stones everyday for my physical strength and stamina.

Take natural antibiotic vegetables: garlic, onions. He could do with done energy healing too; the chi circulation must have been quite disturbed by the lack of sleep and pain. If I were near, I could try my healing gift on him. I usually heal my cats these days! People became too demanding and wanted me to heal them all the time (no sense of respect for the source of the energy).

Do some grounding; long natural or slow breathing without force ten times a session and then rest. Herbal tea to calm the brain from stress. Mind over matter! Ask him to talk to his inner Voice or ‘brain’ for help and healing. Ask for the wisdom from the body on what needs to be done to ease the painful condition. I often do this when facing excruciating pain such as food poisoning and the body could heal in one night without going to hospital. The body told me how to breathe and where to put my hands! But I had to watch the pain slowly subsiding in three hours!!

So, I believe in natural healing! The body told me to take warm ginger tea and salty peanuts!! Amazingly, I could eat my soft breakfast! But it took two days for the body and brain to recover as the pain affected all muscles! Quite an experience!

The kid might need some medicine as he’s too young to put up with lots of pain!

Best of luck!

Wow! Super grateful for your detailed response here. Sounds like you have been through the same thing and it gives me hope to know that you made it to the other side with your tonsils and adenoids intact.

Lots of great stuff for me to consider now. Like how to get him to eat garlic and onions??? I think he will respond well to ten mins of slow breathing. We will do this together and it will be fun!

What crystal do you recommend he keeps next to his body? I have an old quartz which was in my pocket for years before I made it to France. Would this do the trick? Or perhaps it would be better to buy a new crystal? We recently bought a bunch of organite pyramids which are now positioned around the house, so let's see if these make a difference...

Thanks again :)


I have not known about this ailment but what I can say for any ailment in general is it starts from the gut, and as you said the food allergies can be one cause. The best is to start following the autoimmune diet, which in general I have seen it getting successful for many ailments and the other suggestion I can give is to make him start doing some deep breathing exercises. Deep breathing is one of the strongest self healing tool.

Excellent suggestions! Hadn't heard of the autoimmune diet till now. Looking at it now, it does seem sensible. And for deep breathing exercises this will most certainly help. I just need to get him into a routine with it...

Thanks again for your help :)

My personal experience has lead to using mashed garlic that has not been heated (I do garlic scape pesto) and avoiding dairy products, even if they are raw dairy, when this sort of thing occurs. I do hope he is well on the way to feeling better.

Had never heard of garlic scape pesto till now! I will unquestionably be doing this in the Summer now that I know. Last year we just put the scapes in the salads and the children wouldn't eat them. So, thank you for this great tip.

I considered dairy as the source of the problem. He doesn't drink milk and always says he doesn't like cheese or butter, but in reality he does still have a bit of cheese and butter in some of the cooked foods Sabrina likes to make. This would be my first thing to exclude if we were going to exclude anything.

Regarding the swollen adenoids, I'd check Esteban's teeth. I always say healthy teeth, healthy body. Please get well soon Esteban ❤️!Merry Christmas @samstonehill !

He only has baby teeth currently (which should be falling out some time soon!) but to me they look super healthy. Much better than mine anyway. haha.

Thanks for your suggestion.

That's right. Little people usually don't have teeth problems. Especially when we clean their teeth for them. :) I hope Esteban's problem disappears soon. I can't think of anything what could be the problem. Some kind of inflammation, or a food allergy? hmm... How about you try daily detox and pH check? Detox is kind of a life style for me. :) It's awesome. Do you know Dr. Eric Berg? He's on lbry / odysee under @drberg. He answers questions and his vids are awesome - brief and to the point.

Excellent to learn of Dr. Eric Berg. Will check his Odysee now. The fact he knows what Odysee is already puts him ahead of most other doctors I know!

Yeah, I agree. And, he is a chiropractor. That's my type of a doctor. We don't need more, just to know an excellent chiropractor and a dentist.

get well soon!

Thank you! He is feeling much better today...

Great work gave it ago seems to be clear not at I have any ailments. Will check him out too 👍🏽

Appreciate your support here brother. He is doing much better today, so like I said, the road to recovery is before us ;)

Likewise, we are all in this together 🙏🏽

My first thought was to search "Raw Foods Cure" followed by the search terms of the problem.... This wasn't immediately successful for me, so I don't have links for ya. But I didn't dig very deep. Usually there is someone who has been there and done that and offers a testimonial and suggestions what to eat (and avoid...)

Thanks for checking for me bro. I feel like I have what I need thanks to the overall wisdom of this community. Lots of things to try out now...

This is strange for me, but definitely something very little in the hands of God, i join faith with like mines to pray that our friend, your son recover soon and fast. thanks for not giving up, help is coming.

All prayers are deeply appreciated. Thank you :)

Always welcome, the lord be with you.
how is your son fairing?, i hope he recovering fast, please stay safe and do take care

Hey cuddlekitten. Funny, Esteban's teddy looks a lot like yours ;)