In the above photo is an herb called OREGANO. This is a medicinal herb with mint flavor of the Lamiaceae family. It has been used since the olden times because of its medical benefits and flavor for certain dishes in table preparations wherein it is one of the favorite herbs/condiments in the kitchen along with laurel, black pepper, rosemary, turmeric, curry powder, etc.
As medicinal Use:
As a mother of five, I see to it that I have the immediate medicines in my medicine cabinet. But, even if we do have these preparations, there are times when we ran out of stocks, a reason why I have varied herbs around my garden which I can freshly pick in case of emergency especially in this time of pandemic. Sad to say, getting sick is a big no-no nowadays or else you will be suspected of getting contaminated by these invisible viruses.
Oregano can be the best cure for cough. Don’t let it stay for days. If you don’t have the synthetic medicine yet, use Oregano instead.
How the process is done:
Simply clean some leaves and dip it on top of your newly cooked rice. The steam will be enough to make the leaf soft. Next, let it cool and squeeze to let the juice out directly on the spoon. You may add honey or lemon to enhance the flavor. Don’t throw away the crust. Squeeze out the remaining juice and rub it on the back of your child. This will tend to soften the cough and tap it gently. Tapping the back of the lung is also used as first aide to loosen the phlegm in the lungs.
You may directly squeeze another part of steamed oregano for back rubbing only. Because of its medicinal effect, it is now made available on over-the-counter medicines in drugstores for cough as syrup. Oregano oil is also available. Its aroma and flavor called caryophyllene is recognizable from other herbs.
History of Oregano
It has been used for centuries by the Greeks and Romans, hence the Greek word “oros” which means mountain and “ganos” for joy. There are various types of Oregano but the most popular is Oregano vulgare or the Spanish thyme/wild marjoram.
Oregano as antioxidant
– It contains the following antioxidants, re:
- Thymol
- Carvacrol
- Terpinene and
- ocimene
Thymol and carvacrol are phytonutrients which serves as Antibacterial that fight infections causing coughs due to allergies, asthma and bronchitis. Fresh Oregano is taken by mouth (not oil). It can also be used for muscle cramps during menstruation periods, Rheumatoid Arthritis, UTIs and other disorders (source: National Library of Medicine)
The antioxidants that are present in fresh oregano is a good source to prevent cell damage. It contains calcium, fiber, iron, Manganese, Trytophan, Vitamin E and Vitamin K.
With all of the above mentioned, it is of great relevance for us to plant herbs as first aid or immediate use before the doctor comes. I hope this will benefit my readers and thank you so much for dropping by.
Thanking this community for this wide information dissemination on the natural medicines that is all worth the reading.
Till then,
Amazing description of the healing powers of oregano. Hippocrates himself probably used this himself. It's the most powerful anti microbe I know of.
*Your missing Rosmarinic acid your 5th anti oxidant , 'but these molecules are not just anti oxidants btw, it's just one way to look at them, one function as you will. Even vitamin C acts as antioxidant.
I've never used the raw plant for healing, although after seeing your post I definitely will. Do you know if I could grow this plant just in the kitchen?
I use pure steam distilled or critical extracted oil, I find it more convenient for dosage.
I've seen the user feedback online by using the tools of our time. It's also a cure for many diseases, like "uncurable" All not proven and not properly tested ofcourse.
But when you read the studies, we are talking about 500+ microbes it "may" kill effectively. Love reading your post! I reblogged and cross posted it. 🤠
Thank you for appreciating! Actually, this is a very popular herb in our locality among others. And yes, you can use a potted plant out of this in your kitchen windowseal for immediate need especially at night time. It grows abundantly on the ground so perhaps you can use a wider pot right beside your backdoor. It makes it even cleaner. Thank you for dropping by! God bless.
Thank you for sharing this herbal for relieving cough. I have it here and use it all the time.
That's good sister. For covid19 prevention. We must take care of ourselves before anything else, because health is wealth..
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