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RE: What a difference a month can make...#GARDENJOURNAL JULY

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

I love dill, a much under-rated herb, I like putting the seeds in bread, too. Sometimes, I'm torn between dill, caraway and fennel seeds. I guess I could put them all in 😁.

The roses look gorgeous! I have really appreciated the abundance of roses where I live, they've been so uplifting to see every day in everyone's gardens. I'm planning some climbers for the fence at the back of my vegetable garden next year.


Well hello. Dill, dill and more dill, love it in so many dishes, great on fish.
Glad you enjoyed the roses, yes go for climbers, I was thinking of getting those for next year also. I have many different types of roses but not a one that climbs, they can be so awesome when trellised.
Have a wonderful day!

 4 years ago  

Oh man I love caraway seeds! My german nana used to make roast potato with caraway and it reminds me of her. OR caraway seed cream cheese - or in rye bread. YUM. I tried planting them this year but they didn't take.