Greetings to all, dear readers. Today I wanted to share with all of you a plant that has various uses in natural and traditional medicine, such as CURÍA SARRAPIA , whose scientific name is: Justicia pectoralis.
Since I can remember, this little plant exists in this house. I remember that my Aunt Chichita always took great care of it, since it is a somewhat delicate plant, not as much as peppermint or mint, that any sudden change can dry them out, but it does require special care. My aunt usually used it in infusions for the stomach. Unfortunately, she took a certain amount of medication daily, and these wreaked havoc on her stomach, which is why she always turned to the curia to calm those discomforts. Although there are many people who simply call it curía, my aunt called it curía sarrapia, which is why I got used to calling it that way, and I think I named it that way, because the smell given off by the leaves of this little plant is very similar to the fragrance of sarrapia or tonka (Dipteryx odorata), a spice that is obtained from a huge tree, and is used both in gastronomy, as well as in the perfume industry and in natural medicine as well, since it has a substance called coumarin, It helps to lose weight or make the blood more liquid. And although the plant has a very similar smell to sarrapia, I found no literature indicating that it also contains coumarin.
Among the care required by the curia sarrapia plant are: Daily watering, a well-fertilized soil and receiving indirect sunlight. It is a very grateful little plant, since even in a small pot, it tends to grow and expand, offering its valuable branches and leaves that are used in infusions, teas and baths. As with any plant, you have to ask her for permission when some of its parts are torn off, because although it may not seem like it, she is a living and intelligent being. It is also very sensitive to the bad vibes of other people, so it is not recommended that it be in the sight of any visitor that comes to the house, and even less that it be touched by outsiders.
According to the botanical description of this little plant (check the attached sources), it is characterized by: A maximum height of 50 cm, although the largest I have seen is 30 cm and opposite, lanceolate leaves. Supposedly it flowers, but I have never seen flowers on it. The truth is that it is a very beautiful shrub and it has the facility that with a twig you can reproduce it, because it takes root quickly. Among the medicinal uses are:
It is consumed in teas to soothe heartburn, whether of medicinal or bacterial origin.
Its infusion serves as an anti-flu.
Boil its branches and leaves and bathe with this water, it has calming and antipyretic effects.
The tincture obtained from its leaves is used for the treatment of thrush (sores in the mouth).
Supposedly it has aphrodisiac effects too, but these would not be medicinal effects; and its leaves can also be used as perfume.
The way to prepare the tea is very simple: simply cut a small branch of the plant (with its permission), and proceed to wash it with water, in order to remove any dirt or dust it may have. Then it is introduced into a pot, and it is brought to a medium heat until it reaches the boiling point. Wait a minute, turn off the heat and it's ready. If it is to relieve heartburn it is good to consume it warm or at room temperature, if it is for flu treatment, it is consumed hot.
Here I end my post today, where I share a small plant with many medicinal properties. Greetings.
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Una planta muy bonita y cuidada, se nota el cariño con que cuidas tus plantas. Que importancia tener estas plantas en casa, además de embellecer y absorber energías negativas, pueden curar cualquier dolencia.
Un abrazo @sirenahippie
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Muchas gracias por la visita y el bonito comentario @alberto0607. Feliz semana.