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RE: Despair for the Earth [Thinking is Depressing]

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

When a organism grows towards it's boundaries it will be regulated by a natural force within that will collapse it back to almost nothing . Many info on this social workings can be found in our old history . The tower of Babel as good example , or some of the stories written at he end of he big empires that ones ruled the world . We loose are ability to communicate and our individual thinking . Walking so close to each other that we synchronize and frequency couple to a conforming mass stampeding towards the and over the edge . Don't cry for the Earth , she will exist way past us humans , she knows how to regulate them , she did it many times before . Even when we pollute the Earth beyond a for us humans livable place ,...she will flourish again one day long after we are gone .
The Earth has the time , making her circles true space . Revolution , evolution , devolution ,.. and lol , yes this is in a part always bin climate driven , sort of . So to weep for mother Earth is kind of silly to me . I feel sad for the people , how blind they are , and the future they are facing during the coming part of the bigger cycle .

Be aware what path you take and what truth you speak , your whole post is one extinction rebels , and our evil 1% elite rulers , love to read , giving them more power to go on and create a dystopian dictatorship after killing of 2/3th of all humans . While there is no need to do so , for the Earth will regulate its-self one day soon .

Don't get me wrong , i wrote this comment from my savage spirit that is waiting and lurking in the hills for the city to collapse , so i can feast on there ruin's one day . I upmost respect the one that provides all , mother Earth , i don't cry for her , i respect her powers that can destroy and create . I cry for the city , and all terror it has or will go true .

Did i make sense ? ,, for i have some troubles doing that these days ,.. ;-)