They say that if you want to get something done, ask a busy person to do it, and you sure are busy. Everything looks great. In reading through the comments and I saw that Neem oil was suggested for the aphids. I use it exclusively for controlling all sorts of pests and it works great.
When you live as full of a life as you do, time does seem to fly by, even more so as we get older.
We also had an Easter egg hunt and we allowed out youngest granddaughter to get a head start otherwise she would have been left in the dust by her brother and sister.
I wonder how long it will be before the chickens start laying their eggs, they look like they are already a couple months old.
It's going to be a big day when your dogs finally arrive, good thing you are a patient man.
Cutting those vines from the trees looks like it has not been done in a while. With them out of the way, I would imagine that the trees will thrive.
With the weekend coming up, try and get yourself some sleep, will you. Never mind, f--k that, there will be plenty of time to sleep when they throw dirt on your face..
I am ordering some right away sir! They are back, but I hindered their garnison.
The date changed to the 7th of May, fingers crossed. In the meantime we just keep on working, the fence will be some makeshift shit, but it doesn't matter. It will work for now... So damn happy it feels like a dream come true.
We arrived last year in July, I could have started doing it earlier really. My second problem is around the base of the fig tree, there's overgown grass that I can't cut with the mower because there were stones places all around the fig tree as decoration.
I set a tarp on the grass for months to kill the grass without damaging anything else. Now I am gonna pull the grass by hand.
I am almost done with that tree, 5 more to go!
I did! I slept until 8 this morning, not even on purpose. I was KO hahaha