Thanks for sharing this recipe, I'm curious though. Doesn't it leave any stains?
About 6 months ago, I found "GetFussy" online and decided to give that a try because I wanted to stop using the bad stuff and thought this was going to be a good fit.
We ordered several different scents and at first I was super happy with it. That is unil after a few months my cloths were stained and I could not get it out by washing anymore, on top of that I got horrible breakouts in my armpits from that stuff which was painful and something I never had in this magnitude from the "bad" deodorants.
I'm still holding 4 of 5 refills but stopped using them a few months ago and went back to dove (the one I had left from before using Fussy) but I'm scared to start using them again because of the armpit issue lol. I also don't fancy the stains in the clothes though :)
It's on my to do to find another alternative (or maybe make my own) but I'm a bit scared due to the several issues and don't know what I should or should not use.. Any insights from experience maybe?
I haven't found they stain my clothes. You only use a small amount and rub in well.