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RE: Basil and Holy Basil (Ocimum species) herbal monograph

in Natural Medicine9 months ago

I love all the plants in the Lamiaceae family (mints, basils, oreganos, sages, iboza, etc) because just about every one is both edible and potentially medicinal. I absolutely adore the Ocimum genus, with a special love for the holy basils/tulsi. Here off grid in far East Big Island, Hawai'i, I have most of the tulsi/holy basil variants, Krishna tulsi (purple form of Oncimum tenuiflorum), Rama tulsi (green form of Oncimum tenuiflorum), and Vana tulsi/clove basil/tree basil (Oncimum gratissimum), with Kapoor tulsi/bubblegum tulsi (Oncimum africanum) appearing here and there as more of an annual. They are truly amazing plants, that are always part of my medicinal teas! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


Thanks for the comment! I would love to try all of the varieties of Tulsi but we're restricted to one down under.

Of course, you're very welcome! Oh, OK, do you know what species/variety that you have? 😁🙏💚✨🤙

Just the very basics, O.basilicum and O.sanctum. The O. basilicum comes in purple, green and purple/green but it's the same species.

It's funny, Oncimum basilicum is one species that does not do so well in this particular area (it's too wet). I believe that Oncimum sanctum is a synonym for Oncimum tenuiflorum, which comes in green and purple variants too. 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Yes O.basilicum does like the warmth. tenuifolium and sanctum are synonyms.

Do you have the green (Rama tulsi) or the purple (Krishna tulsi) form of O. tenuiflorum, or both? 😁🙏💚✨🤙

I've only come upon the green variety locally, though as it starts to prepare for the cold weather, leaves do shift to purple. Are there any differences in the herbal use of the two varieties in your area?