in Natural Medicine4 years ago


Hello everyone!
I'm glad to share my experience and talk about a specific topic. Also special thanks to the sponsors of this educative challenge and thanks to @maylenasland for inviting me, i'm grateful.

One of the strange and also paranormal confusion in human mind since the history of mankind is the power of "Reincarnation/Reborn" which literally means "To take on the flesh again." The ability to reincarnate infinitely while retaining all previous memories and capabilities.

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At first i never believed in this, i thought as it to be a superstition, not real or false teaching. Not when i experienced one.

Before my grandfather died, he had six children (3boys and 3girls to be precised). At the point of his death, he told his second son, whom he loved so much and happened to be my uncle. My grandfather instructed him to get a hot iron and place it at the back of his neck, to leave a burn there. That any of his child that conceive. The baby would have that mark, showing that he's back again.

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But my kind hearted Uncle couldn't use a hot iron on his father's neck, but melted a colored chalk and paste it on his neck, after my grandfather died💔.

To me it was magical when i found that mark, at that same spot on my baby brother's neck. I couldn't believe my eyes what i saw. Now that he's growing,he exhibit some of my grandfather character's.

Well user can reincarnate infinitely and perfectly reincarnate/reborn instantly after their death or demise into a completely new life with a much newer or previous memories in all their lifetime

This experience made me come closer to the spiritual aspect of life. And to seek and understand the unknown, search for more truth of spirituality.
Funny enough my grandmother sees my little brother as her husband and the love for the child is so unique ❤. Now i think i would love to reincarnate.

What do you think?

Hope you enjoyed reading my post. I also, i'll love to invite @faith65 and @prayzz to join this challenge

• This post is a reply to the spirituality challenge hosted by @naturalmedicine and led by @mirriannalis. #NATURALMEDICINE and #SPIRITUALITY

You can check it right here

With care and love,




Very interesting! Don't forget to mark all the guidelines from the link down below in order to join the contest :

Wow, it's still difficult for me to believe in reincarnation. I was in shock reading this

I once find it hard to believe too, but with that experience i had. It changed everything about my believe.

I've never done or seen an experiment like the one you mention with my own eyes, but I've had other ways to corroborate the veracity of reincarnation as a natural process of learning/unlearning for our immortal souls. Ancient cultures described this process in depth, some of them even down to giving it a specific number of repetitions.

It's also important to note that this process occurs daily to us, because we constantly die as we grow. For instance, the man you were yesterday is not at all the man who wrote this post who, in turn, is only a memory of the man who reads this comment.

For instance, the man you were yesterday is not at all the man who wrote this post who, in turn, is only a memory of the man who reads this comment.

Very true.
These are ancient practice, which now i so much believe😌

For instance, the man you were yesterday is not at all the man who wrote this post who, in turn, is only a memory of the man who reads this comment.

Very true.
These are ancient practice, which now i so much believe😌

Hey @ubani1, here is your HYPNO ;)

 4 years ago  

Wow! Very interesting experience, I had not read something like that.

I do believe in reincarnation, although in practice I don't really know how it works 😅

Thanks for being part of this initiative, blessings ✨

I'm glad i joined and was able to share my true experience.
Thank you.

 4 years ago  

Blessings ✨

Reincarnation? This is fabulous.
I'd know that Nollywood always tries to feed us with this type of gists. I also know that more often than not, l see it as mere superstition.

But, l have also seen people that has similar story like yours. All l can say is that things like this may still sound alien to me but that doesn't dispute the possibility of it's reality. I wouldn't like to witness it shaaa 🤣

I wonder if your uncle would have the morale to discipline the young lad whenever he misbehaves 😬.

Well Done Bro

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I wonder if your uncle would have the morale to discipline the your lad whenever he misbehaves 😬.

Discipline his little Dad 😂😂

Muy interesante la historia de la reencarnación y la prueba que quizo hacer tu abuelo. Lei en una oportunidad que venimos a este mundo las mismas almas y reencarnamos dentro del mismo circulo de personas, cambiando los roles.
Un abrazo

 4 years ago  

Wow! What a very powerful and compelling experience you've had. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank so much for your support.
God bless you.