Letter to myself

in Natural Medicine5 years ago

I want to flow. I want to be free. The most fundamental freedom does not come from outside. Outside is just details. First I will free myself from myself. Say the things I was born to say and do the things I was born to do whenever the opportunity arises. And when it doesn't arise, I will free myself from the needy desire to be anything I am not at that moment.

I will slaughter my shyness and self-doubt, face my fears head on and come out the other side. I was born to love shamelessly. I was created to create. I will not cling to this concept of "I". I will be water. I will be nothing. I will be everything. There is nothing to worry about besides what is right in front of me. I will plan for the enjoyment of planning.

I will be here. I will be now. I will be making love with every moment.


You just described my alcoholism.

 4 years ago  

Haha what! Your alcoholism sounds amazing

I will be water. I will be nothing. I will be everything.

You already are. we all have our part to play on this Earth. We can do it kicking and screaming or with love.

I choose Love.

 4 years ago  

I know! But I needed a reminder yesterday ❤️

 5 years ago  

I will be making love with every moment.

Nice xxx Life us so precious.

( I ) love this. Let's just be, without filters.

Love you man and I love life, no matter how much my mind tries to spoil the party, over and over again.

 4 years ago  

❤️ maybe it's a topic for the next podcast

Who knows. I definitely like how 'Letter to Myself' sounds. We should all write one, every now and then
