It's true that this one takes a while to make. You know the feeling when you've made a tomato sauce the same way 10 times and tried another 30 different variations? You might stick to 3 variations that each have their own science behind it. It might also be one thing in the process that you do but apply to an entirely different dish. For instance I tried dissolving the yeast in sugar, water, mixing it with salt sugar and water etc. At one point I stuck to something that worked because it tasted good. It only made me wonder how many more variations there could be rather than to think I figured out the ideal way to make a pizza. In Italy they don't even make their pizzas with yeast. It's so funny how just the basil from another country and maybe even the spinach you'd add to it, makes it taste a world apart from the one you're accustomed to. I really love habaneros or cayenne pepper on pizzas and put it right on the tomato sauce or after I added the melt. It's funny how every version tastes different. The best part is, when you tried something Italian a thousand times without knowing the recipe and end up with the traditional Italian method or doing it without knowing. One could just buy a dough and put a tin of tomato on there, add some melt and put it in the oven. You are right ! It's not about the pizza. :) I think whats calling me back there is a dream I had of making a pizza in India. The dream wasn't about the pizza though... I guess this time it would be another challenge get a hold of some tapioca starch and some grains to make my own melt. Vegan cheese would probably be hard to come by out there.
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