sweet potato chips

Hood night #hive lovers on this occasion I will share how to bury sweet potato chips

Husband's favorite snack


Materials 3 sweet potatoes 1 tsp baking powder 2 teaspoons salt

Step :

  • Peel and wash the sweet potatoes. thin cut "(I use a tool that looks like a grate but has a cross-section knife)



  • Mix water, baking powder and salt. stir well

  • Soak the sweet potato pieces in the salt solution. put in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes

  • Drain using a mesh sieve until set and the sweet potato is dry (you can also tap it using a tissue)

  • Fry in hot oil and generously over medium heat until browned

  • Drain on oil-absorbing paper

  • Let it cool and store in an airtight container

  • I tried taro, successful too. For failed potatoes, they are burnt but not yet crispy. Maybe because the water content in the potatoes is different, while the sweet potato and taro have a similar texture


Good luck



Is your slicer something like one of these?

Those are really good thin slices is why I ask, I have made fries in the oven with sweet potato but not chips before because I don't have a tool to slice them very thin.

Probably better in Foodies Bee Hive as it doesn't talk about natural medicine.

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