Go try out the latest Bitshares Astro UI release!
The Bitshares Astro UI uses next-gen web technologies, establishing a from scratch replacement for the reference Bitshares user interface.
The Astro-UI is near feature complete, here's what's changed in the latest release v0.3.33!
So what was addressed in version 0.3.33?
Check out the improvements!
Release Notes
Several improvements and changes made to the recently introduced featured liquidity pool tracker page:
- Code optimizations - working towards custom pool trackers & speeding up loading.
- Add dialog prompts - take shortcuts to astro-ui features for the pool, pool share assets, and the pool's swappable assets.
- Improvements to general UX and readability
- Fixes to the tallies and collateral checks
- Add pool share asset valuations in USD
Thanks for reading, I'm looking forwards to any comments you have!
Don't forget to vote for the Astro-UI worker proposal on the bitshares blockchain!
Download the Bitshares Astro UI today! https://github.com/BTS-CM/astro-ui/releases