Bitshares Astro UI dev blog - New Featured Liquidity Pool Overview page in v0.3.31!

in BitShares15 hours ago


Go try out the latest Bitshares Astro UI release!

The Bitshares Astro UI uses next-gen web technologies, establishing a from scratch replacement for the reference Bitshares user interface.

The Astro-UI is near feature complete, here's what's changed in the latest release v0.3.31!

So what was addressed in version 0.3.31?

Primarily there's a new page!




  • Highlights 10 pools which revolve around the assets: BTS, Honest.MONEY, Honest.USD, Honest.BTC, Honest.XAU
  • Estimates pool's monthly and yearly earnings (as a whole) from 24hr stats.
  • Displays how much volume and fees were collected last 24hrs
  • Shows your pool share asset balance & calculates the percentage ownership of the pool as a whole.
  • Shows the latest prices for the featured pool's assets
  • Shows your debt and collateral for 3 of the featured assets
  • Show how much assets you've got in each asset category across multiple pools
  • Shows stats like the total assets you've got liquid and in pool (estimated), the percentage ownership of total circulating supply for each featured asset, and their total values in USD.

Future TODO:

  • Optimizations to speed up the page
  • Allow the user to customize monitored pools
  • Links to the simple swap, pool exchange and pool stake internal pages
  • External links to explorers, other wallet interfaces, etc.
  • JSON data button modals

Secondarily there's some other recent changes!

  • Refactored the simple asset swap page.
    • Switched from a table to a list of pools
    • Highlight the hovered pool in the list
    • Enable selecting a pool by clicking the row
    • Correctly calculating all pool asset amounts
  • Applied a small fix to the smartcoin search input field - no longer loses keyboard focus after searching for a smartcoin.

Check out the previous hive posts regarding the Astro UI:

Thanks for reading this far, I'm looking forwards to any comments you have!

Don't forget to vote for the Astro-UI worker proposal on the bitshares blockchain!

Download the Bitshares Astro UI today!