Prediction Market Asset functionality is 100% in the Astro UI!
Thanks for checking out the latest Bitshares Astro UI dev blog! We've got a lot to cover today, so get ready!
The Bitshares Astro UI seeks to be an evergreen/greenfield development effort, uplifting the possible Bitshares front end user interfaces into the cutting edge 2024+ technology!
So, what's new with today's update?
To cut to the chase, there's a new release!
Firstly - What are prediction market assets?
Prediction Market Assets are a type of smartcoin on the Bitshares DEX which enable you to bet on literally anything and safely distribute the winnings to the winners.
You can basically just create an asset, set a prediction such as "BTS will be worth more than $1.00 by the end of 2024" and set a commission, then people can borrow it to sell (betting for a false outcome) or buy what people borrowed into existence (betting for a true outcome).
The house account who created the prediction market asset is in charge of deciding the outcome of the prediction, once they perform the asset global settlement the settlement price indicates the outcome to the rest of the blockchain!
If the outcome is false, the settlement price goes to 0 and the sellers win by having no debt.
If the outcome is true, the settlement price goes to 1, and the buyers win by being able to claim the collateral behind the PMA smartcoin.
With this formula, you can pretty much gamble on anything, events, finances, options, politics, etc. What would you create a prediction market asset for?
Check out the docs for more info:
Prediction Market Asset creation page
I was going through the spotlight and came across the existing prediction market asset page, this was created back in 2019 so we're due a refresh!
I felt there were a few issues with the current UX, namely:
- Low participation
- Complex navigation system + toggles
- Enabling the user to find badly formatted prediction market assets
- Stuffing everything into the one table & one page
- The PMA creator modal was lacking details
No offence to the creators of the existing prediction market asset page, it was a great reference to come back to during the development of this new feature & several years have passed during which UX standards have increased.
So enough yapping, time to see what the big deal is!
So some notable differences between the reference UI and this implementation:
- We've created a dedicated page for creating a new prediction market asset
- Excess information is hidden in hover info popups
- Provides more fields for configuration than the reference UI provides
- Supports multiple extensions for prediction market assets (not supported in reference UI)
- No need to login until you're ready to broadcast the operation
Prediction Market Asset overview page
Given that we're now able to create prediction market assets using the Astro UI, we need to be able to search through the prediction market assets on the blockchain!
Let's get straight to the preview!
Video demo since there's a lot to show off!
Available functionality:
- Switch between different views - active, expired, your owned pma's, your held pmas, your pma margin positions
- View all the relevant PMA details, the asset details, and external explorer links readily accessible
- Issue new PMA (creating/updating margin positions)
- Sell PMA (limit order) - sellers voting false
- Buy PMA (limit order) - buyers voting true
- Winning buyers: Settle held PMA into backing assets
- Owner: Resolve PMA after expiration (asset global settlement)
- Owner: Add private price feed publishers
- Private price feeders: Publish price feed for settlement (NOTE: May not be operational).
There's quite a lot of functionality to test out, check it out and comment below how you found it!
Big shout out to everyone voting in support of the Bitshares Astro UI worker proposal & to everyone voting on these dev blog posts, your support means a lot to me! :)
Check out the previous hive posts regarding the Astro UI:
- Announcement thread
- Electron packaging announcement thread
- Simple swaps & node configuration dev blog
- Favourite assets & Portfolio tweaks dev blog
- Credit offer overviews & Vesting balance claims
Thanks for reading this far, I'm looking forwards to any comments you have!
Download the Bitshares Astro UI today!
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