The Result of the Natural Yeast Challenge

in BreadBakers5 years ago

Natural Yeast Challenge Result

We were hosting our first challenge over the week :)

Challenge: baking with natural yeast

I (@akipponn) should have advertised it more but we are happy to read your experiences regardless to the result. All starters and loaves are made with full of care and love!

It is not a post to the challenge but you must read @apsu's following post. Sourdough is not only for hard bread. Yeah, we can bake fluffy ones too!

Sourdough Brioche by @apsu

Prize goes to @apsu and @shanibeer (as I @akipponn is internally a host of the challenge).

Again, thank you for your participation! We wish we can host some more challenge again :) We are open to your idea!

Happy bread baking!


Perhaps we should have a theme each week - maybe bagels, brioche, best sandwich bread, fruit bread, soft rolls (milk rolls)? - but leave it open, participants can use yeast or sourdough 😁.
How exciting, thank you very much, @breadbakers, I am very pleased to win the challenge! Hurrah! Well done, @apsu 😍

Good ideas, @shanibeer! Probably the next one will be best sandwich bread 😁I miss @jaybird's Steem Sandwich Contest a lot!