Hello, I felt like doing something wild today.
My heart water has finally become active thanks to patient feeding with dates and raisins. It was time for a cake.
I used plain flour and vegetable oil for the dough but for crumble I used butter, didn't have any coconut oil. Sorry, not vegan. I used peaches on top, the only fruit at home that didn't go bad after the last few hot days. Definitely not edible raw though, too mushy.
As it is a custom nowadays, when I want to bake, the temperatures drop. The dough needed easy more proofing time but did eventually double before going into a tin and then again before baking. In the oven it grew even more, but mostly with larger holes surrounded by small holes in the dough.
The yeast water was a little soury giving the otherwise soft and sweet proper cake a bready feel. Still delicious!
I'm not too disciplined with my feeding routine nowadays so my wild yeasts aren't very active. Not much motivation nowadays. At least I took some snaps to backfill breadcentric.com post - some images burned down in ovh in Strasburg.