Hello friends who love pasta, today I want to share with you how to make delicious spaghetti with sausages easy, fast and cheap. I decided to make this lunch since a few days ago I got a post made by @pialejoana, where he invited us to participate in a contest to prepare a quick, creative and delicious lunch and I immediately thought about this dish. I started eating this meal at my first job, since we didn't have much time or a lot of budget, this was one of the best meals we could prepare. So this food could be used for when you have little time to prepare lunch, or when you do not feel like cooking something very elaborate, but want to eat something that leaves you satisfied, this is a good option.
- 100g de Espaguetis.
- 1 salchicha.
- 2 ají.
- ¼ de Pimentón.
- ¼ de Cebolla mediana.
- ½ de tomate.
- 4 granos de ajo.
- Pimienta.
- Cubito (Caldo de pollo).
- Sal.
- Orégano.
- 3 cucharadas de aceite.
- Cebollín y Apio (opcional).
- 100g of Spaghetti.
- 1 ssusage
- 2 chili peppers.
- ¼ of Paprika.
- ¼ of a medium onion.
- ½ tomato.
- 4 grains of garlic.
- Pepper.
- Cubito (Chicken broth).
- Salt.
- Oregano.
- 3 oil tablespoons.
- Chives and celery (optional)
~Lo primero que vamos a hacer es poner a hervir agua para la pasta, yo usé 1 litro de agua. Le añades sal al gusto y un chorrito de aceite.
~ The first thing we are going to do is boil water for the pasta, I used 1 liter of water. You add salt to taste and a drizzle of oil.
~ Mientras el agua hierve picamos los aliños, a los aji y al pimentón le quitamos las semillas, al ajo y a la cebolla le quitamos la concha, el tomate simplemente lo picare por la mitad para usar la cantidad correspondiente.
~ While the water is boiling, we chop the dressings, we remove the seeds from the chili peppers and the paprika, we remove the shell from the garlic and the onion, I will simply chop the tomato in half to use the corresponding amount.
~ Los lavamos y vamos a licuar los aliños con un poco de agua.
~ We wash them and we are going to liquefy the dressings with a little water.
~ Cuando el agua ya haya hervido vamos a echar la pasta y dejamos cocinar por unos 10 o 15 minutos.
~ When the water has boiled we are going to add the pasta and let it cook for about 10 or 15 minutes.
~ Continuamos picando la salchicha en cuatro partes, primero por la mitad y luego la mitad de la dos mitades. Y cortamos en trocitos pequeños.
~ We continue to chop the sausage into four parts, first in half and then half of the two halves. And we cut into small pieces.
~ Ponemos a calentar una sartén a fuego medio y le agregamos el aceite, primero vamos a sofreír el cebollín y el celeri, después le agregamos los aliños licuados. Le vamos a ir agregando la pimienta, el cubito y el orégano al gusto.
~ We heat a pan over medium heat and add the oil, first we are going to fry the chives and the celery, then we add the liquefied dressings. We are going to add the pepper, the cube and the oregano to taste.
~ Cuando ya el aliño se este secando le vamos a agregar las salchichas y removemos lentamente y dejamos cocinar hasta que el aliño finalmente haya secado. Si quieren le puedes añadir un poco de sal, pero para mi gusto con la sal del cubito es suficiente.
~ When the dressing is drying we are going to add the sausages and stir slowly and let it cook until the dressing has finally dried. If you want you can add a little salt, but for my taste the salt from the cube is enough.
~Cuando la pasta esté lista retiramos de la cocina y lo vamos a pasar al colador.
~ When the pasta is ready, we remove it from the kitchen and we will transfer it to the strainer.
~ Servimos la pasta junto con la salchichas, si es de su agrado le pueden agregar queso.
~ We serve the pasta along with the sausages, if you like you can add cheese.
Dios mío se ve rico 🤤 me dió hambre 🥺
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