Hello my people from Hive, it's a pleasure to greet you this time sharing a very common recipe from my home, because weekly some type of grain is prepared in my house, today it's the turn of the lentils. This is prepared in different ways or rather with different accessories, in this case they are Lentils with Chicken. Sometimes sausages, smoked bones, or bacon are added. I hope and enjoy this publication.
✔500 gr de Lentejas
✔1/2 Pechuga de pollo
✔2 Cebolla
✔6 dientes de Ajo
✔8 Ajíes dulces
✔Ramita de Cilantro
✔4 Papas
✔500 gr of Lentils
✔1/2 Chicken Breast
✔2 onion
✔6 garlic cloves
✔8 sweet peppers
✔ Coriander sprig
✔4 potatoes
Comenzamos colocando las lentejas en agua y llevamos al fuego, allí deben hervir por mas de 1 hora aproximadamente. Hasta que estas ablanden, no es necesario utilizar olla de presión.
We start by placing the lentils in water and bring to the fire, there they should boil for more than 1 hour approximately. Until these soften, it is not necessary to use a pressure cooker.
Cortamos la pechuga en cuadros medianos, igualmente las papas. Las colocamos a las lentejas a cocinar, después de 20 minutos aproximadamente, ya irán ablandando las papas y el pollo ya estará casi cosido.
Cut the breast into medium squares, likewise the potatoes. We put them on the lentils to cook, after approximately 20 minutes, the potatoes will soften and the chicken will be almost cooked.
Cortamos finamente las cebollas, ajíes y ajos. Lo colocamos a las lentejas y dejamos que espesen.
Finely chop the onions, peppers and garlic. Add it to the lentils and let them thicken.
Por ultimo colocamos la sal al gusto y el cilantro picado. Dejamos que hiervan 10 minutos más y ya estarán listas.
Finally we put the salt to taste and the chopped cilantro. Let them boil for another 10 minutes and they will be ready.
Esperando que les haya gustado y se animen a preparar para su familia. Todas las fotos son propias editadas en Photo Collage Maker.
Hoping you liked it and are encouraged to prepare for your family. All photos are own edited in Photo Collage Maker.