Recipe: 75% Whole Wheat Ciabatta / 全粒粉75%のチャパタのレシピ

I'm trying to replace refined grains with whole grains in the daily diet of my family. We are starting with bread, the Italian Ciabatta that I frequently bake since it doesn't take much effort and can be used for all meals not like bagels.

It seems that about 75% of the weight of flour is the limit for my family. My partner even likes 50% whole wheat one for his breakfast with sweet spreads and jams. I like the 75% one and my daughter has no opinion.

Now that I adjusted my recipe and it's solidified. I'm happy to write it on Hive blockchain 💪.


  • 350 g lukewarm water
  • 10 g sugar
  • 7 g salt
  • 5g fresh yeast (or 2.5g dry yeast)
  • 400 g flour (100 g refined flour, 300 g whole wheat flour)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil


  1. dissolve sugar, salt and yeast in warm water in a bowl.

  2. add flour and mix well. It will be sticky because there is quite a lot of water, but the whole wheat flour will absorb the water.

  3. bring the dough to the edge of the bowl and add the olive oil. Place dough on top of olive oil and fold twice.

  4. let the dough rise for 1 hour and fold twice, repeat 4 times (4 hours of first rise in total). The dough becomes less sticky over the time.

  5. after the last folding, flour and roughly shape it in the bowl. Yes, you can do it in the bowl! Don't knead too much so that the bubbles in the dough remain. Move it to a slice of baking paper.

  6. let it rise for 30 minutes, then bake in a preheated oven at 220 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

If you don't like whole wheat flour or are not used to it yet, you can start with about 25% whole wheat flour + 300g water. Don't forget to increase the water as well when you increase the whole wheat flour 🍞

See the pictures below for the difference between 75% (left) and 50% (right) whole wheat flour.

Happy baking and have a good weekend!

🍞 🍞 🍞






  • ぬるま湯 350g
  • 砂糖 10g
  • 塩 7g
  • 生イースト 5g(ドライイーストなら2.5g)
  • 小麦粉 400g(精製小麦粉100g、全粒小麦粉300g)
  • オリーブオイル 大さじ2


  1. ボウルにぬるま湯を入れて、砂糖、塩、イーストを溶かす。

  2. 小麦粉を入れてよく混ぜる。水分がかなり多いのでベタベタしますが、発行中に全粒粉が水分を吸って落ち着いてきます。

  3. 生地をボウルの端に寄せて、オリーブオイルを入れる。生地をオリーブオイルの上に乗せ、2回たたむ。

  4. 1時間寝かせて2回折りたたむを3回繰り返す。生地がベタっとせずに落ち着いてきます。

  5. 最後の折りたたみが終わったら、粉を振ってボウルの中で適当になまこ型に整形してオーブンシートの上へ。

  6. 30分ほど発酵させて、220度に予熱したオーブンで25-30分焼いてできあがり。




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That ciabatta looks amazing! I'd love to have two please 😁

Thanks @erikah! I wish I can deliver them via hive blockchain 😁

You would sell your chabatta and I'd sell my jams! 😁 Would be fun!

I am a fan of baking but I rarely use whole wheat flours, here they are very expensive, when I travel to the farm I can get them and I make whole wheat breads hahaha, now I crave for whole wheat bread. 😢

Same here. Luckily it's not too expensive but it's more than white ones. I wonder why since refining takes effort and can be costly. Or just less demand for whole wheat flour ... hmmm.

It really should be more economical to be less processed ... I have bought in artisanal stone mills but in areas far away from where I live now, in supermarkets prices are high, so it is out of my cupboard right now haha haha

I wish it will be easily available in your area in the future. As a bread country, here in Germany, flours are everywhere. Just the whole wheat ones have strange price ;)

Strange prices for something as simple as flour, but I'm encouraged to look for and make some good breads 😊




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