In Japan, I had the chance to eat some Middle Eastern food such as Kebab or falafels but they were something special to eat outside back then.
Here in Germany, I eat Middle Eastern food more often not only because of geographic proximity and number of immigrants from the region, but also because of my partner's preference. I remember he took me to a Lebanese restaurant in India before we became a couple. I liked the taste.
I started cooking Middle Eastern food after I moved to Germany in 2013. Over the last 10 years, I turned to be a big fan of Middle Eastern food with tons of fresh and cooked vegetables 😊
Lentil soup + pita + salad is one of our classics. Lentils are easy going as there is no need to soak them overnight.
Here is a brief recipe how to make lentil soup.
Ingredients (for 3-4 people)
- Olive oil
- One clove of garlic
- Ras El Hanout or Cumin + Coriander
- One middle size onion
- One cup of red lentils
- One cup of canned tomato
- Salt and pepper
- Chive for garnishing (a slice of lemon is nice too!)
- Mince garlic and chop onion (don't have to be precise as it is made into a puree with a blender in the end)
- Heat olive oil in a pot and sauté with garlic, onion and Ras El Hanout. Season with salt and pepper.
- Add lentils and fry with the vegetables for 1-2 minutes.
- Add tomato and water.
- Cook until vegetables and lentils are soft. 20-30 minutes. Add water if necessarily.
- Puree the soup with a blender.
- Adjust the taste with salt and pepper.
- Serve with chive
It is a quick and easy menu. Give it a try! It can be a soup for summer too.
Soup Stories Series
- Soup Stories #1: About this series and Spanish Bread Soup
- Soup Stories #2: Winter Schatz Soup
- Soup Stories #3: Chinese Egg Soup
- Soup Stories #4: Pumpkin Soup
- Soup Stories #5: Detox Leek Soup
- Soup Stories #6: Bean Friend's Chickpea Soup
- Soup Stories #7: Freestyle Miso Soup
- Soup Stories #8: Senegalese Mafé
- Soup Stories #9: Spring Color Turnip Soup
- Soup Stories #10: Ukrainian Borscht
ドイツでは、中東が地理的に近くて移民が多いので中東の料理を食べる機会が多いです。うちの相方の好み(味+値段+手軽さ)もあり 😅 相方と中東料理というと、まだつきあい始める前にインドでレバノン料理のレストランに行ったのを覚えています。思い返してみるとこれが中東料理沼の入り口だったのかもしれません。
- オリーブオイル
- にんにく 1片
- ラスエルハヌート(中等料理の便利スパイスミックス、使うだけでそれっぽい味になります。クミンとコリアンダーでも)
- 玉ねぎ 1個
- 赤レンズ豆 1カップ
- トマト缶 1カップ
- 塩・こしょう
- チャイブ(飾り用、レモンがあったらレモンのスライス+ミントなどもおすすめです)
- にんにくとタマネギをみじん切りにする(最後にミキサーでピューレ状にするので大体で大丈夫)
- 鍋にオリーブオイルを熱し、にんにく、玉ねぎ、ラスエルハヌートを加えて炒める。塩・こしょうをふる。
- レンズ豆を加え、野菜と一緒に1-2分ほど炒める。
- トマトと水を加える。
- 野菜とレンズ豆がやわらかくなるまで煮込む。20~30分。必要に応じて水を足す。
- ブレンダーでスープをピューレ状にする。
- 塩・こしょうで味をととのえる。
- チャイブを散らしてできあがり
トルコ料理レシピ | 日本・トルコ協会 | The Japan-Turkey Society
(書いていて思ったのですが「中東料理」ってまとめてしまうのはあんまりなのかな、私自身、ドイツでアジア料理やで寿司とカレーが一緒に出されているのを見ると違和感を感じるので 😅 お許しうください!)
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Looks very delicious. Our family also loves this soup very much. In addition to these ingredients we sometimes add carrots and mint. It goes very well with lentils.
I learnt to use mint at Middle Eastern restaurants. Sometimes a piece of lemon comes along, which I really like.
Carrots are good addition 😊 I do so too with celery for more like German lentil soup, which I must write about too ✍️
Hi! This is definitely a great option and I loved the photo :) Thanks for sharing!
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Hi @katerinaramm! Thank you for suggesting the leothreads :) I heard about it when I wrote a post to Hive Garden community and tried it once. I must be more active on it.