I love cooked fruits. But I don't want it to be too sweet, I want to enjoy the flavor of the fruit itself. So, pies! I am experimenting fruit pies with less sugar.
My favorite fruit pie is definitely apple pie. My mother loved it too. In February I ordered an American Pie book “American Pie” (excuse me, it's in Japanese) and was impressed by the low amount of sugar, even though it is American (another excuse me!).
The sugar used in this pie is quite low, about 40 grams for eight slices per pie. No sugar is added to the pie crust; it is used to remove exceed moist from apple slices and turn them into syrup.
Unfortunately, perhaps because of the German ingredients, the pie crust is quite loose when I follow the recipe in the book, and the pie crust is still under trial and error. I am using Junko Ueda's “Three types of flour dishes that the French love so much” by Junko Ueda and ‘Deluca's Pies’ by Hitomi Deluca Watanabe. Her pie dough uses vodka, which gives it an interesting, flaky texture.
I'm going to do some more research and try making the dough with good quality vegan butter I found after testing some products. You can read about my experience in the following post.
Almost butter! Vegan butter after 2 years
This time I was happy to be able to get the almost ideal height of the pie. I used four large apples for a 20cm pie dish. Actually I wanted to go with five, but my family ate some ... every time it happens when I buy apples for apple pie.
I want to try pies with berries in the coming berry season. The blackberry flowers are starting to fall and I can see the butt of the berries, so it's time to get back on the bike and go berry picking.
Maybe I can offer apple pie at the market during the next apple season😊Customers are expecting a bit of Japanese taste, so it would be interesting to use miso as a little secret ingredient, like caramel.
Happy baking, everyone!
果物のパイの中で一番好きなのはなんといってもアップルパイです。母も大好きでした。2月にアメリカンパイの本『アメリカンベーキング教室「just baked!」のアメリカンパイ』を注文して、アメリカなのに(失礼)お砂糖の少なさに感動して、一番最初に出てくるクラシックなアップルパイを何度も焼いています。

アメリカンベーキング教室「just baked!」のアメリカンパイ
残念ながら、ドイツの材料を使っているからなのか、この本の通りにパイ生地を作るとかなり緩くなってしまい、パイ生地はまだ試行錯誤中で、上田淳子さんの『フランス人がこよなく愛する3種の粉もの。』のキッシュの生地と、渡邊デルーカ瞳さんの『デルーカ家のパイ』を参考にしつつ作っています。渡邊さんのパイ生地はウォッカを使っていて、おもしろいホロホロ感に仕上がります。Kindle Unlimitedで読めるので気になった人は是非。
Looks delicious, I would like to make some one day😄😄😄❤❤
Pies are casual and easy. I'm not good in baking sweets but I can make them 🥧
Keep doing that, one day you are gonna be the best
Good point 😉
Hooonmm ….yamiii yamiii perfect
Hehe thanks @fatemehsohrabiii 😁