Since I enjoyed writing Soup Stories through the winter, now I think about writing a vegan Japanese recipe series.
Vegan Japanese cooking is one of the topics I want to write a book about in English or German in the future. I'm often asked to recommend vegan Japanese cookbook written in English or in German. But it is not easy to find one that I can fully recommend. First of all most of the recipes are not vegan. And "vegan Japanese" books aren't what we Japanese eat everyday ... ;)
Good thing is that I cook vegan Japanese for a local market, events and catering so I think I can make the book by myself!
The first recipe is what I cooked yesterday; Vegan Gyoza. Gyoza is originally from China and we make a kind of Japanese variation.
Ingredients (For around 30 pieces of Gyoza)
For the wrappers:
- 200g flour
- 100g hot water
- pinch salt
For the filling
- Vegetable oil such as canola
- Ginger, garlic, spring onion, cabbage plus your favorite vegetables.
- Optional: Mushrooms such as Shiitake add a good Umami flavor.
- Soy meat if you want.
- Pinch Salt, pepper and 1-2 teaspoon soy sauce for seasoning
- 1 tablespoon potato starch as a binder. (If you are vegetarian and eat eggs, half to one egg can be an option too.)
- Chop vegetables in small pieces and quickly fry on a pan with oil. Season with salt, pepper and soy sauce. Mix with potato starch.
- With a folk (because it's hot!), mix the ingredients for the wrappers in a bowl. Once the ingredients are mixed together and cooled down to touchable temperature, knead and form a ball shape. Cover the ball with a dish or a lid and let the dough sit for 30 minutes.
- Divide the dough roughly in 10g and make small balls.
- Roll out a dough ball into a 7-8 cm circle and wrap the filling. Start with 1-1.5 teaspoon amount of the filling.
- Heat a pan with 1 tablespoon oil. Put half the amount of Gyoza in the pan and fry until the bottom gets lightly golden brown (around 3 minutes).
- Pour 30ml water into the pan and cover with a lid. Cook it for 3 minutes.
- Remove the lid and evaporate the excess water. Then they are ready to serve!
I didn't have time to put them nicely on a dish as my family was waiting for the Gyoza ...... 😅
As you can see in the photos, I didn't use a non-stick pan. But it works when the pan is heated up properly. Bon appétit!
冬の間、Soup Storiesを書くのが楽しかったので、菜食和食のレシピシリーズを書こうと考え始めました。
ないのなら作ってしまえホトトギス・・・ということで、自分で書くことにしました 😁 いきなり本を書くのはハードルが高いので、Hiveに菜食和食のレシピを書きためていこうと思います。
最初のレシピは、昨日作った「ヴィーガン餃子」です。正確には中華ですが、日本人も大好きメニューなのでよし w
- 小麦粉 200g
- お湯 100g
- 塩をひとつまみ
- キャノーラなどの植物性の油
- 生姜、ニンニク、ネギ、キャベツとお好みの野菜
- お好みでしいたけなどのきのこ類や大豆ミート
- 塩ひとつまみ、こしょう、しょうゆ小さじ1-2
- つなぎのための片栗粉 大さじ1(卵を食べる人であれば卵半分から1個入れても)
- 野菜やきのこはみじん切りにして油をひいたフライパンでさっと炒める。塩、こしょう、しょうゆで味をつける。片栗粉を混ぜてまとまるようにする。
- フォークか箸を使って(熱いので!)、餃子の川の材料をボウルの中で混ぜます。材料が混ざって、手でこねられる温度になったら、こねてひとまとめにします。ボウルを皿などで覆って生地を30分間寝かせる。
- 生地を大体10gに分けて、小さな団子状にする。
- 生地を7~8cmの円形に伸ばして具を包む。具は小さじ1~1.5杯くらいの量が包みやすいです。
- フライパンに油大さじ1を熱して、餃子の半量を鍋に入れ、底がほんのりきつね色になるまで焼く(約3分)
- 鍋に水 30ml を注いで、蓋をして3分間焼く。水を入れるときに結構はねるので蓋を縦にして挑んでください😁
- 蓋を取って余分な水分を飛ばしてできあがり!
家族が餃子を待っていたので、きれいに餃子を盛り付ける時間がありませんでした・・・・・・・😅 あるあるです。。
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Thank you for sharing my post on Twitter, @afterglow! 😊
You're welcome and have a nice day ahead.
You too!
Good job she looks so yummy 🤤
Thanks @hj12! They were yummy 😁
I've only made my own gyoza once and it turned out like a dog's dinner because my wrapping broke. That was the first time I made it and I haven't made it again. Maybe I should give it another go
In Japan there are ready made wrappers so I think my first experience was OK. My terrible one was it took too long when I made it from scratch in Germany and stacked to the pan ….. My family was certain disappointed 😅
If you are well prepared, you will make great one!
Thank you for curating my post! 😊