Kedondong indonesian

in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago

Kedondong is a fruit plant classified into the mango (anacardiaceae) tribe. It is a common fruit plant throughout the tropics and includes angiospermae. Usually in English it is called ambarella, aprons apple/great hot plum. In every country or region, the name of the fruit is different, as is commonly called in southeast Asia: kedondong (Indonesia & Malaysia), hevi (Philippines), gway (myanmar), mokah (Cambodia), kook kvan (Laos), makak (Thailand), co 'c (Vietnam). In addition, kedondong is also called kadendong (sunda), kedondong (Java), dundunce (madura), kacemcem (Bali), inch (NTT), kar(makassar), dau kaci (bugis).


Bangkok's kedondong is a common breed of common farmers. In addition to this other type of superior kedondong konden in the karimmunes of Java. Today there has been a lot of Bangkok's kedondong plant growing to be potted fruit, the kedondong fruit can be eaten fresh immediately, or often treated as a rujak, a pickle, or a jam. It has a single, stringy seed. Leaves are a boon to the making of pepes.



The kedondong tree trunk has thick - skinned characteristics and is easily broken. The sour taste of leaf and young kedondong is often made into vegetable or snack food for the javans.