Jon and I eat what you could call an “animal based diet”. We eat nutrient dense, bioavailable meat, fat, organs, bones, and connective tissue from healthy, happy animals. We also include some of the least toxic plants - fruits (sweet and non sweet fruits), and honey. We’ve been learning and experimenting with this ancestral diet for a few years, but have taken it more seriously since November 2020.
We’ve always been ‘healthy eaters”, but the health and lifestyle benefits we’ve experienced from eating an animal based diet, have been great. If you're interested in learning more, I'll leave a link here to one of our favourite resources.
We also enjoyed scalloped potatoes for Easter dinner , a pancake breakfast on Mothers Day, a beer after a long hot day planting the garden, a pizza and movie night, the sourdough bread our neighbour gifted us, and our General Store has the best ice cream. But, we are aware.
I share all of this for context. This isn’t a post about the carnivore diet or about eating in moderation. It’s about WHY.
I choose to eat mindfully because I want to be a healthy, clear headed, energetic, strong, patient, confident loving leader for my children. I want to be someone they deserve. Now that I’m clear about that, it’s obvious that I need to be all of those things for myself and my husband too. Everyone deserves me at my best.
Love yourself, and work towards becoming the person you deserve.
The side effect of having a healthy mind and body is looking and feeling physically attractive. Notice how that comes last?
If being attractive is the first goal, that means you are striving to satisfy your ego first. That thing is a beast - chained up, judged and told it’s bad. But it’s a part of you. It’s your beast. We don’t want to starve and bully it. When ego-beasts are fed and cared for in a healthy way, they can be fun to have around! But who is caring for that beast? Who is in charge?
Your soul. It’s your soul. Shocker.
Feed your soul first.
Strive first to clear your mind. Make choices that will strengthen your body. Practice eating and living in a way that says, “I love you”. Meaning YOU!
Demonstrate love, for yourself, for your partner, for your children, and everyone who’s life you might affect.
Imagine how it would feel to have someone who loved you so much that they become the best they can be. Every bite they take, every move they make, is an act of love for you. They want to live a long life so they can spend as much time with you as possible. They want to be fit and strong so they have energy to be playful. They lift your spirits. They want to be mentally strong so they can be a safe place for you to land all your thoughts and feelings.
You don’t need that other someone. You are them.
Jon and I planted about 200 squash plants. The squash fruit is our main carb source and it stores well for winter. We hope to grow enough to share with our families and feed our animals. To accompany the squash, we did the three sisters companion planting method of corn, beans and squash. We don't actually eat much corn, beans, peas (or any other type of seed), so whatever we don’t harvest will become pig and chicken food in the fall. Come hang out with us while we garden in this YouTube video.
Everything about this post was delicious. Yes, our ego is totally a part of us. Our ego serves a role, and needs to be tended to without being inflated. Your thoughts are so insightful. I agree that my body, my mind, my clarity shifts an moves like water depending on what I am eating, how much I am moving, and my quality of rest. When all three are in alignment life makes more sense. I also try to be conscious about our meals and balance. There is so much to explore and experiment with. This was lovely. -Aimee
Thank you Aimee! 🥰
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