The Big Small Meet-up At A Burger Joint | And We Suck At Planning | Burger Lab Is Thiriving In The Past Glory

in Foodies Bee Hive9 months ago

“Friends and food, the perfect recipe for happiness, friends who love to eat together, stay together

Hello guys, I hope you all are doing well today.


After yet another week of mishaps at varsity, I needed a break. A small one since I was running out of cash. As a great man once said: once you lose all your money, you discover new horizons to make more.
That’s exactly what I had in mind. So, my friends and did decided to go to Burger Lab, a dedicated burger joint that has been serving Burgers for over 8 years now.


Story Time

I did not suggest the main plan… it was made by the guy further away from me in the picture, I call him Hounde. He was responsible for today's plan.
He suddenly texted yesterday asking the boys if we were free and would eat outside the next day. I said yes along with a few others. The time was not specified.

Today came. Apart from one of my friends, no one texted back. I mentioned in the group and asked if they would show up. One of the guys gave us the time zone where he would be free. I called up another guy who did not pick up the phone for reasons unknown. So, the plan got canceled.
I just couldn't sit by and let the plan die. I asked Hounde if he still wanted to go, to sweeten the deal for him I told him that Erfan, the humongous guy on the right, would join us. He agreed to it. And so, we showed up to the place in 10 minutes, drenched in sweat. The humidity was as if we took a shower with our sweat. Thanks to the air conditioner, it dried up within 2 minutes.


And, after a few minutes, Hounde turned into a good guy with a nice smile XD. We decided to get 3 different combos each. I got the second combo.

It included:
Inceptor Beef Burger + Sausage Boom (Loaded Fries). This was about $1.89

Erfan got the 3rd combo, which included:
Steak Lite Burger + Sausage Boom (Loaded Fries). This was about $2.29

And Hounde got the 4th combo, which included:
The Big Beef Burger + Sausage Boom (Loaded Fries). This was approximately $3.

I was not as hungry as them since I had lunch late, Hounde did not eat anything the entire day, so he got the big combo. Erfan was just hungry for the delicious burger, hence he went with the 3rd one.

It took the restaurant about 50 minutes to get the orders ready for some reason even though there were not that many customers at the time nor any food panda delivery men.


I was shocked to see the amount of loaded fries we got. It was not as much as I had assumed, yet it was delish. I just wanted a bit of more of it for a lower price.


Erfan's looked wild. Though it was oozing with melted cheese and mustard sauce, and the oil from the steak, it tasted heavenly.


Mine was a simple one with a patty with no extra sauce and just a layer of cheese, with a layer of juicy beef, a perfect combo for a burger.


After this, even though I did not plan on having iced delicacies, Hounde and Erfan wanted some chillers. So, I decided to get one as well. This was their large Oreo shake which took about $1.30.


Erfan got a lemon chiller as he lost quite a bit of water due to sweating, and he had to move the steak grease from his tongue.


And finally, Hounde got his coffee at dead last. Here too, they give his coffee 15 minutes after ordering. This was both good and bad. It's good because it was fresh and bad. After all, this makes them look a bit lazy for taking as long as 15 minutes to serve a normal cappuccino. The guy almost dozed off before getting his coffee XD.

We mostly talked about anime and what new manwha came out, which ones looked beautiful and had intriguing storylines. I was the black sheep among them because I still had not finished reading Solo Levelling which was bad. I started reading it before the anime adaptation came out and after all this time I still didn't finish it. They graced me with an anime that has this amazing story, its name is Vinland Saga.
It is about a boy whose ship gets destroyed and is trained by the leader of the pirates. later, after he grew up, he sought revenge until he became wiser and did not want his revenge exacted. Later, he becomes a person of high morals. Not bad, I think I will give it a try right after finishing "Delicious In Dungeon". Its story is amazing. it is about a guy who enters a dungeon in the hopes of finding his sister who saved him from a Red Dragon which is a new party and eats the dungeon's monsters as a dish to survive.

After Hounde refinished his coffee, we slowly got up and I asked them if they were free later this month. I wanted to plan a trip to somewhere a bit far. I wanted to get away from the urban bustling and enjoy some time with nature. They simply asked me to get others in on it to make the idea a reality, something that will never happen.

Even though, I hope to visit another diner or a food joint soon since I did not eat as much as I usually do in these adventures.

Thank you for reading this far, see you legends on the next one!

Source for the quote
