Looking for Interview Partners for University Research Project on Decentralized Social Media

Dear fellows,

I am new to Hive and registered as part of a university module, where I (or rather we, a group of 4 master students from University of Paderborn, Germany) are conducting a research project on "How do decentralized social media incentivize misinformation prevention?". We were specifically asked to select one such social media, try it out ourselves and interview between 5 and 15 users.

For that, I am currently looking for voluntary interview partners, who would be willing to spend approx. 45 minutes of their time to help us with this project and answer some of our questions. The questions aim at understanding your demographic background, how you personally use Hive, how decentralized media differ from centralized social media, how Hive differs from other decentralized social media, and finally on the presence (AI-generated) misinformation on Hive and how it is prevented.

Of course, you will be sent a detailed interview guideline (PDF file) before we would start. I really wish some of you would be willing to help us out and be an interviewee. We are looking for anyone who considers themselves an active user on Hive.

Also: I have not yet been able to figure out direct messaging on here. I would be glad if one of you could give me advice on how it could best engage in a private conversation with people on here.

Thank you very much!