hi foodies!
as you know, we've passed to a new year a few days ago. and who says new year says good resolutions!
for me my new resolution is to start working out again and to eat better. at home the gyms were closed for a while so i didn't work out for a while and so i put on some weight. but i'm a big gourmet!
that's why i tried to combine pleasure, greed and healthy dishes. so i made some nuggets a little bit special.
first of all, you have to know that the fat in the nuggets is the breading and the oil in which they are cooked.
So I'm going to show you how to do it, so let's get cooking!
before sharing my recipe with you, I'm also going to share with you one of my other passions, history, that's why from today, in addition to my recipes I'm going to make history point on the origin of the dishes I cook. a little history never hurts ! you'll be able to see this history point at the end of my post.
first of all, the list of my ingredients :
3 chicken fillets
1 onion
2 sprigs of parsley
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon of paprika
1 spoon of chicken spice (optional)
salt and pepper
for the breading:
a bowl of milk
a bowl of oat bran, rice flour and various seeds according to your taste
and finally a bowl of egg
first of all, I cut the chicken fillets in small pieces, then I put the spices, the chopped parsley as well as the chopped onion, the salt and the pepper and finally the oil. mix it all, personally I mixed it by hand, I think it's nicer!
then I put the whole in a mixer, until I obtain a paste, I advise you to have a good mixer, because I burned mine, and yes the chicken is easy to mix !
then I formed my nuggets with this dought. then I soaked them first in the milk, then in the egg and finally in the rice flour, oat bran and squash seeds mixture.
finally I put my nuggets to cook in a frying pan with a little olive oil. I chose the frying pan, because it is less fatty than the deep fryer. you can make thethe accompaniments that you want with !
now at the table before it cools down !
let's go for the little story about the nuggets !
first of all did you know that nuggets means "péppites". It is the Mc Donald's company which wanted to diversify its menus, which first marketed the nuggets. Even if it is a professor of the university of comell who invented the recipe in order to motivate the Américans to consume more poultry.
I hope that you will have more this small point history, do not hesitate to give me your opinion.