Choco-Rum Cigars: My Attempt at Making Alcohol Chocolates


Hey guys!

I have been experimenting with alcohol chocolates lately and I came up with this. I don't know what to call them yet... maybe Rum Choco Bars? I dunno.

But a friend of mine suggested I should call them 'Choco-Rum Cigars' xD

Anyway, it all started when my mom bought me this mould and suggested I make alcohol chocolates.


I've always wanted to try making them but these moulds were too big to do that. Then I decided to make these delicious things.


It took me about two tries to figure out the right proportions and I have to say, these are just yummy... Still figuring out how to market them or whether or not I should add some caramel.

Let me know if you have any suggestions :)