How To Enjoy Your Best Life

in Foodies Bee Hive7 days ago

There are many ways to enjoy your best life, what's yours?


Drinking my favorite hot coffee, a slice of old-style banana cake. This is when I enjoy my life. Through the glass window, I see people and vehicles passing by in front of the coffee shop where I sit.


Let me tell you. The way to enjoy your best life is not about money. Long before I could feel like this, I even enjoyed living in a small room without windows, and I had fun only with books and music.

What can we conclude at a glance? For me, it's all about BEING YOURSELF. These words sound easy to do. But it's actually very difficult to do, especially in the era of social media.


When you hold back from posting your food because you feel embarrassed that your food is not luxurious, when you hold back from posting photos of yourself because you are afraid of being criticized for your clothes not being branded, and so on, that's where you start not being able to be yourself.


Try to ask yourself. So what if we live differently from others? Indeed, this will be difficult because nowadays people who play on social media tend to insult people who are different from them. But that doesn't mean we have to follow the flow to be like the standards that others form.

The best way to enjoy life is to dare to be yourself. Dress comfortably according to what you like, go to places you like (not go to places that are viral because people on social media go there).


I smile, my delicious coffee is a witness that I don't wait for anyone to praise me. I am happy to choose to do what I want to do even though people often say I am too "weird" for not trying things that are trending.

Dare to face reality even though everyone shuns you, because in fact those people don't give you money to survive. When you start to dare to make a statement to yourself that only you are able to raise yourself, then from there you will start to enjoy your life, little by little.


Enjoying the best life does not mean we live without problems. But it is about how we focus on our path, not the path that many people take. Each of us is unique which makes us often uncomfortable when we have to be in someone else's path.

The sooner we realize that enjoying the best life comes from our own standards, not the standards of a community or group of friends, the easier it will be for you to feel how beautiful this life is, in sadness or happiness.


So, do you dare to at least not care about what is trending, and stand on your own two feet, enjoy your own perspective, with the various talents you have? Ignore people who just want to comment but have no part in your life. 😊

❤️ Stay strong and keep working.


Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: [email protected]
Discord: anggreklestari#3009


Livng in our truth is the best thing that can ever happen to us.

I believe we only live once, so one must try to live it to the fullest, enjoy every moment of it as the day rolls by quickly.

This is an amazing post and more to that, the images are very clear and beautifully shot.

Great response ❤️
Yeah, we just need to be honest for ourselves no matter what. It make us not trying to jealous with other's life.
Hey, have a great day!

I loved the title, and when I read coffee I liked it even more, however, I must say that I have never eaten banana cake, and I have no doubt that it must be very delicious.
I'm sure you had a great time while enjoying a nice cup of coffee with that dessert.

When you say that we must dare, you are absolutely right, it is like a saying from my country, he who does not risk neither wins nor loses,

In my surrounding people also they are not dare enough to follow their dreams instead just seeing other's people life.

My best life is when I travel. It simply opens my mind and I feel energized by it, while enjoying new experiences and see how others are living their lives. Only wish that feeling will hold more in time after I return back home...

I love travel too, but since my energies run fast, I need to wise to use them ehehe. I love to see beach, pool, from my room hotel when I travel.

Great way to enjoy life 😊☕

enjoy with your coffee ☕️

Thanks sis. Have a great day!

Wow! This is a great way to enjoy....

Nowadays for me the best way to enjoy my life is spending some quality time with my hubby, kid and enjoying south indian food 😀😀

I also love to do that!
Just besides husband will makes me happy! 😊❤️


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life is indeed better to be yourself, happiness is not based on other people's views, enjoy what we have and be grateful...good story @anggreklestari

@anggreklestari, you're rewarding 4 replies from this discussion thread.

Eat (preferably well). This is one of the best ways to enjoy life correctly.

No doubts about it.