Stuffed bell peppers with a special recipe

Today I will tell you how to make the most delicious stuffed peppers with rice and meat. This dish is worthy of special attention. Many people prepare a stuffing of minced meat and rice. The proportions of meat and rice are different. Where, more meaty in composition, where less so. I have experimented many times and have come to the experimental conclusion that the most delicious stuffed peppers come not from minced meat, but from finely chopped meat. Take my word for it. If you compare the two options, the version with finely chopped meat is clearly superior to the version with minced meat.
Pork - 800 grams
Rice - 300 grams
Sweet pepper - 1 kg
Onions - 250 grams
Carrot - 250 grams
Spices, paprika, salt.

The best meat is pork, you can use brisket or minced meat. You can also use leaner parts, and be sure to add either lard or vegetable oil. As in "Golubtsy" rice absorbs fat and oil, of course, all in reasonable proportions. If you do it right you get a Bomba of taste.
Of course, you need sweet, fleshy bell peppers and fresh ones are important. If the peppers have been standing for a long time, it's better not to make this dish out of them, anyone who has encountered this will understand me.
So, fresh peppers, fresh meat, round rice, carrots, onions and tomatoes are the basis for success.
The first thing is to cut the meat into small pieces, as small as possible. And in vegetable oil in a deep, thick-walled pan, we fry the meat and stew under a lid until it is half-ready. Then add onion in half rings or feathers, as at pilaf. Roast a couple of minutes, then shredded carrots. After stewing all this, at the end add the tomato component, or homemade tomato or grated ripe tomatoes. If not sweet, add a teaspoon of sugar, wigs and pepper to taste and salt. A couple of minutes more under the lid and it's done.
Round rice is washed in cold water and poured into the cauldron, so that it is slightly covered with water. We bring it to the boil, one minute on the heat and turn it off. We leave it for 10 minutes and the rice is ready.
Prepare the peppers, removing the tail and seeds. Fill with mixed capers and rice and put on the fire. It is advisable to put the peppers standing up, stew on medium heat for 20 minutes and another 15 minutes on the lowest heat. The water should be slightly salted. If you do everything right, you will have a very tasty dish, you will not regret it. And in the future you will cook exactly this way, well it's up to you, dear colleagues. Such peppers can decorate any holiday table and please you and your guests. Good luck, you in your culinary experiments.