Se acerca el Domingo. Preparemos Sopa de Res | Sunday? Let's prepare Beef Soup | [ESP-ENG]

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago


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En muchos lugares de Venezuela existe la tradición de preparar sopa los domingos. No estoy muy clara el origen de este evento. Pero me atrevería a decir que esta asociado con que cierra el fin de semana, ya que aqui somos tan fiesteros. Para curar la resaca del viernes y el sabado, preparándonos para comenzar nuevamente la semana, cae super una sopa.

Tambien es una excusa para reunir a la familia, suelen los hijos de la Matrona reunirse el domingo en casa de la mama o de la abuela, a hacer la sopa como todos los domingos y compartir en familia.

De acuerdo a cada lugar cada sopa tiene sus reglas. Hay infinidad de recetas. Hasta puede ser motivo de disgustos el que si la sopa llevas maíz o no, apio o no. Ya que cada zona y cada casa tiene su cultura, de acuerdo a lo que históricamente tenian disponible para la sopa, como lo que actualmente tienen disponible, los gustos de la abuela y los gustos del actual cocinero.

Lo mas común es que se haga a leña. Ya que se suelen hacer cantidades grandes por que se reúne la familia, pero tambien se hace en cocina a gas o eléctrica en menores cantidades.
Muchos ni preparan sopa, pero como quedo la costumbre de la sopa de los domingos salen a algun restaurant a comprar sopa.

In many places in Venezuela there is a tradition of preparing soup on Sundays. I am not very clear about the origin of this event. But I would dare to say that it is associated with the closing of the weekend, since we are such party people here. To cure the hangover of Friday and Saturday, getting ready to start the week again, a super soup goes down super well.

It is also an excuse to gather the family, usually the children of the Matrona meet on Sunday at the mother's or grandmother's house, to make the soup as every Sunday and share with the family.

According to each place, each soup has its own rules. There are an infinite number of recipes. It can even be a cause for displeasure if the soup has corn or not, celery or not. Since each area and each house has its own culture, according to what was historically available for the soup, as well as what is currently available, the tastes of the grandmother and the tastes of the current cook.

The most common is that it is made with firewood. Since it is usually made in large quantities because the family gathers, but it is also made on gas or electric stove in smaller quantities.
Many do not even prepare soup, but as the custom of Sunday soup remains, they go out to a restaurant to buy soup.

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En mi casa la sopa varia mucho, mis padres son de diferentes lugares y no nos amarramos a ninguna receta especifica. En este caso la sopa que preparaba, humildemente, quedo excelente. Te comparto como la prepare.

Se aliña la carne (que debe estar en trozos grandes, como de una pulgada cubica) en mi caso con solo sal y ajo. Caliento la olla, agrego un poco de aceite, sello la carne y luego añado el agua. Esta parte tarda, ya que es hasta que la carne este suave.

Se trocean los vegetales: maíz dulce, yuca, zanahoria. Era lo que tenia a la mano y es mas que suficiente. La zanahoria se agrega solo un poco para que no quede dulce la sopa. En lo que la carne ya este casi lista, se agregan estos vegetales.

Se pica pequeño, cebolla, cebollin, cilantro, primenton verde y pinmenton rojo, apio españa y 3 dientes de ajos.
Se calienta un sarten, se le coloca un chorrito de aceite, y se saltea solo la mitad de estos vegetales.
Justo antes de añadirlos a la olla, se le coloca la sal, para agregar el sofrito y los aliños verdes crudos.

Se cocina solo unos 10 minutos mas y listo.

In my house soup varies a lot, my parents are from different places and we are not tied to any specific recipe. In this case the soup I prepared, humbly, was excellent. I will share with you how I prepared it.

Season the meat (which should be in large pieces, about one cubic inch) in my case with just salt and garlic. I heat the pot, add a little oil, seal the meat and then add the water. This part takes a while, as it is until the meat is tender.

Chop the vegetables: sweet corn, yucca, carrots. It was what I had on hand and it is more than enough. The carrot is added only a little bit so that the soup is not sweet. As soon as the meat is almost ready, add these vegetables.

Chop small onion, chives, cilantro, green and red primonton, Spanish celery and 3 cloves of garlic.
Heat a frying pan, add a drizzle of oil, and sauté only half of these vegetables.
Just before adding them to the pot, add salt to add the sofrito and the raw green seasoning.

Cook for only 10 minutes more and it's ready.

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Hay versiones de versiones, a mi forma de ver, ninguna esta mal. Cada una expresa la cultura y el amor de cada hogar en su comida.

There are versions of versions, in my opinion, none of them is wrong. Each one expresses the culture and love of each home in its food.

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