Helloooo, feliz inicio de semana y que mejor manera de comenzar que con una receta saludable y rica, sí, porque muchas veces hasta yo he pensado que comer sano no puede ser rico y no es todo lo contrario, yo soy 0 extremista y esta me pareció una rica opción de almuerzo rico y sano, vamos a comenzar:
Helloooo, happy start to the week and what better way to start than with a healthy and delicious recipe, yes, because many times even I have thought that eating healthy cannot be rich and it is not the opposite, I am 0 extremist and this seemed to me a rich option of rich and healthy lunch, let's start:*
Paprika and salt.
Lo primero que vamos haces es descongelas y adoban nuestra milanesa, pisaremos el ajo con la pimienta en mi caso que es en grano y añadiremos la sal, el orégano y la paprica que no es mas que pimento deshidratado molido, lo sazonamos y la dejamos reposar.
The first thing we are going to do is defrost and marinate our Milanese, we will press the garlic with the pepper in my case that is in grain and we will add the salt, the oregano and the paprika that is nothing more than dehydrated ground paprika, we season it and leave it rest.
Mientras tanto vamos a pelar, lavar y picar en 4 las papas, la verdad yo generalmente las lavo muy bien las hiervo con todo y concha, no hay ningún problema.
Meanwhile we are going to peel, wash and chop the potatoes in 4, the truth is that I generally wash them very well and boil them with everything and peel, no problem.
Once the potatoes are on the fire, we will place the milanesas on the grill or in a perfectly hot pan without oil and cover it.
On the other hand, we will place the lettuce in vinegar and cut the tomato and onion, season with salt and a touch of vegetable or olive oil and that's it.
As easy and especially fast we can make a rich, healthy and boring lunch as I told you, I am not an extremist so you can add a little mustard or mayonnaise moderately to the salad, everything is a matter of balance friends.
Buen Provecho:
Bon Appetite
Espero que disfruten de este rico platillo, será hasta una próxima oportunidad que nos leamos por este espacio, un beso grande mis queridos amigos.
I hope you enjoy this delicious dish, it will be until the next opportunity that we read here for this space, a big kiss my dear Hivers.
Edición: Canva, Lightroom, Instashot.
Texto traducido en Google
Edition: Canva, Lightroom, Instashot.
Text translated in Google