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RE: The delicious joys of Summer and my first job as a food producer, selling salad to a local restaurant!

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago

What a beautiful holistic post. loved it.
Sabrina´s orgonite is gorgeous ! the cats are insanely cute. awesome job selling your veggies (since it is illegal to consume them 😂 ). + great news on the CloudBuster !
I have prepared a simple toothpaste using your recipe with Borax, Bicarbonate and Coconut oil. love the taste and I can now see what you meant about living in the tropics.. will try to add Tumeric at the next batch.
here too, abundance is kinda purring in. had a very good market day Sunday, sold many beautiful trees.
fruit trees on the farm bear amazing amounts of you name it.
the bath tub has gone ballistic and there are another about 50mm. of rain coming the next days.
take good care.


Feel really happy for Sabrina that she is discovering her creative side more and more these days. When we first met she told me she wasn't creative and I told her that was a load of rubbish! We just need to find the things which 'turn us on'.

Ah yes, I forgot to mention that one will experience the tooth paste as a liquid in higher temperatures. You could just keep it in the fridge I suppose.

Great to learn things are also purring for you! And with more rain on the way to boot :) Us too. Had a massive downpour both yesterday & today. Such a joy not having to think about watering! It is most tiresome looking over my shoulder every time I have the watering can in my hands.

The cloudbuster investor has been a real blessing. She is unquestionably the most forward thinking english speaking person in this village all she wants in return is salad, which she comes and picks herself. The only thing is that now I have money behind it I want the best machine I can make! Am consequently looking at replacing the resin with bees wax which I think will work better as the organic medium to suspend the iron particles. Just need to bury the base deep in the earth to prevent it melting in the Summer. Would also like to add large terminated quartz crystals into all the tubes ideally. I think Don Croft was on to something with that one.

Looking forward to seeing an update shot of your bathtub!