How are you my Hive people, I hope you are well enjoying good health and energy, for this reason I will share with you in the wonderful community of Foodies Bee Hive a rich carrot smoothie, cambur and oatmeal, ideal for breakfast, it is a very delicious and nutritious drink, not only has several nutrients but it brings energy and nutrients to our body to start a good day full of vitality, it is very easy to prepare and in less than 10 minutes you have your delicious smoothie ready, I invite you to try it, I love to take it when I do my exercise routine in the morning, and I show you the ingredients.
Para un vaso de batido.
- 1 zanahoria.
- 2 cambur o banana.
- 3 cucharada de leche en polvo.
- 3 cucharada de avena.
- 2 cucharada de azúcar,(ya que el cambur es dulce).
- 250 ml. de agua.
For one glass of smoothie.
- 1 carrot.
- 2 banana.
- 3 spoonful of powdered milk.
- 3 spoonful of oatmeal.
- 2 spoonful of sugar, (since the cambur is sweet).
- 250 ml. of water.
Paso 1:
- Lo primero que hago es lavar y pelar muy bien la zanahoria, la corto en cuadritos pequeños, la llevo a la licuadora con los 250 ml de agua, cuando ya este licuada, con la ayuda de un colador colamos el jugo de la zanahoria y lo reservamos, para continuar con nuestra preparación.
Step 1:
- The first thing I do is wash and peel the carrot very well, I cut it into small squares, I take it to the blender with 250 ml of water, when it is already blended, with the help of a strainer we strain the carrot juice and reserve it, to continue with our preparation.
Paso 2:
- Pelamos los cambures, cortamos en trozos, lo coloco a la licuadora, le agrego las 3 cucharadas de leche, y la de avena.
Step 2:
- Peel the camburs, cut them in pieces, put them in the blender, add the 3 tablespoons of milk and the oat milk.
Paso 3:
- Continuo agregando a la licuadora las 2 cucharadas de azúcar y por último agrego el jugo de zanahoria que tenia reservado; teniendo ya todos los ingredientes incorporados a la licuadora licuamos a alta velocidad, cuando ya este bien batido servimos en un vaso nuestro batido, agregamos unos cubitos de hielo, y listo a disfrutar.
Step 3:
- I continue adding to the blender the 2 spoonfuls of sugar and finally I add the carrot juice that I had reserved; having all the ingredients already incorporated to the blender we blend at high speed, when it is well beaten we serve in a glass our smoothie, add some ice cubes, and ready to enjoy.
Gracias por leer mi publicación, espero les haya gustado, saludos hasta la proxima.
Thank you for reading my publication, I hope you liked it, greetings until next time.
Todas las fotos son de mi autoria y editadas con Canva.
Traductor: DeepL Traslate.
All photos are my own and edited with Canva. Translator: DeepL Traslate.
Traductor: DeepL Traslate.
All photos are my own and edited with Canva. Translator: DeepL Traslate.